Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha
Jackson Roykirk

Historical photo of Jackson Roykirk

Jackson Roykirk was an early-21st century Earth scientist who was largely credited for the creation of the Nomad space probe – an artificially-intelligent machine sent out with the mission to seek out new life in 2002. Roykirk's ambition was to build a perfect thinking machine capable of independent logic. Spock described him as one of the most brilliant but erratic scientists of his time. (TOS: "The Changeling")


The photographic image of Roykirk seen in "The Changeling" was "portrayed" by director Marc Daniels. Although he is a 21st century scientist, he wears a standard 2260s Starfleet dress uniform in the photo.

Some fans speculate that Jack, from the Star Trek: Enterprise episode "Carbon Creek", is the young Roykirk.

In an homage to Star Trek, a character named "Jackson Roykirk" appeared in an episode of Team Knight Rider entitled "Apocalypse Maybe," played by William Christopher of M*A*S*H fame. While this may seem to be a crossover, constant references to "Star Trek" on the show make it unlikely.[1]

Jackson Roykirk is mentioned in The Eugenics Wars Volume 2:The Rise and Fall of Khan Noonien Singhas being part of the team which designed/created the DY-100 class ship which carried Khan and his remaining followers to the stars
