Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha

Jae Hwang was a male Human artist and bar owner on M'talas Prime, and the ex-husband of Raffi Musiker. Their relationship ended sometime after 2385, when, according to their son, Gabe, Musiker became obsessed with conspiracy theories about the Attack on Mars at the expense of her family well-being. (PIC: "Stardust City Rag")

A former drug addict, Jae completly pulled away from his addiction after the birth of his son; his willpower impressing Musiker when she later became an addict, as well. Yet, he ignored the shady dealings which happened in his bar.

In 2401, while investigating a terrorist attack, Musiker met him while on M'talas, hoping he would help her to meet one of his contacts, Sneed. Believing at first that she wanted his help in reconnecting with their son, Jae then recognized the signs of his ex-wife's obsessive and destructive behavior and gave her a choice. Either he would help her with Gabe or with Sneed, but not both, with Musiker choosing the latter. (PIC: "Disengage")

Following the destruction of the Borg, Gabriel contacted his mother, having learned of her heroics and was still in awe of everything that Musiker had done. Jae also contacted Musiker and tried to introduce her shy granddaughter to her over video message. Musiker told Worf that Gabriel wanted her to meet her granddaughter and that "all the monitors in his house suddenly lit up at once. Every news-wave broadcast my face. And every classified valor commendation." Worf indirectly admitted to leaking the information to help Musiker reconcile with her family and urged his friend to be happy with them. (PIC: "The Last Generation")

Jae was portrayed by Randy J. Goodwin.

According to the novel Second Self, he was a painter.
