Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha
Map of Bajor, 2401

Labeled on a map of Bajor

Janitza or Janitza Province was a province in the southern hemisphere of Bajor, which included the Southern Jungles, Janitza Mountains, the Undalar Cliffs, and Golian.

In 2401, Admiral Jean-Luc Picard kept a map of Bajor's major archaeological sites in the study at Château Picard that identified Janitza, the Janitza Mountains, and several archaeological sites in the province. (PIC: "The Star Gazer")


Background information[]

This location was only mentioned in writing.

Janitza Province was first named in Geoffrey Mandel's Star Trek: Star Charts. (p. 42) Mandel brought the label forward for a map of archeological created for Star Trek: Picard. [1]

Janitza Province was also referred to in the novel Forged in Fire.

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