Memory Alpha

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Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha
Multiple realities
(covers information from several alternate timelines)

A Jeep was a small but powerful type of general-purpose automobile originally built for and used by the US military during World War II. They were eventually redesigned for civilian car use.

In an alternate timeline, caused by the Temporal Cold War and in which the Eastern Seaboard of the United States of America was under German occupation, a military version of the Jeep was in 1944 seen abandoned and gutted in a Brooklyn, New York City street, directly in front of Alicia Travers' apartment building, where Captain Jonathan Archer of Enterprise NX-01 was hiding out after his escape from the SS. (ENT: "Storm Front")

Lieutenant General Denning traveled around the United States Army Air Forces base that he was stationed at in July 1947 in an army Jeep. (DS9: "Little Green Men")

After Maury Ginsberg's van broke down in 1969, Quinn picked him up in a jeep and allowed him to continue on to Woodstock. (VOY: "Death Wish")

A Jeep was parked on Carpenter Street near the abandoned American Wrecking Company in 2004. (ENT: "Carpenter Street")

The Ekosian Wehrmacht had a jeep variant in service in 2268, as was evidenced by Captain James T. Kirk and Spock while watching a propaganda newsreel on the planet Ekos. (TOS: "Patterns of Force")

In 2374 an US Army Jeep was recreated on the holodeck of the USS Voyager as part of a Hirogen combat simulation. (VOY: "The Killing Game, Part II")



Background information[]

The phonetic acronym "GP" of "general-purpose" has universally been accepted as the origin for the vehicle's name.

The jeep seen "Little Green Men" exhibited a small continuity error; as an air force general, Denning would have been driven around in an air force Jeep, which was often executed in dark blue, though green was commonly used also. Either way, the registry should have read "USAAF" (United States Army Air Forces as the branch was still called in July 1947, until it became the United States Air Force in September of that year), instead of "US" as it did in the episode. For completeness sake, US Navy Jeeps were executed in light blue and carried "USN" registries.

Ekosian newsreel 1

The Ford GP T14 in "Patterns of Force" in the background

The in the "Patterns of Force" Ekosian newsreel featured jeep has been visually identified as the elongated six-wheel Ford GP T13/14 "super jeep" variant. That one clipping of the newsreel though, was not from an actual, historical newsreel, but rather from an as of yet unidentified American (propaganda) war film, of which many were produced in Hollywood during the 1941-45 era. The film-converted Ford GP T13 (made by GMC) or 14 (made by Willys) is seen posing as a Krupp L2H143 "Protze" (Kfz. 69/70) German Wehrmacht truck in the background, while in the foreground is another truck, made to represent a Ford-DAF PAG Trekker, which the Germans also made use of. The exact same two vehicles were also featured in the contemporary 1943 This Land is Mine war film. The film-used Ford GP T13/14 went on to "star" in several more period films, typically for the German side (see link below).

During World War II, the Jeep had a German military counterpart, the Volkswagen Kübelwagen.

External links[]
