Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha

John Glenn was an American astronaut in the 20th century. As a member of NASA's Project Mercury, he was identified as one of the Mercury Seven.

On February 20, 1962, he become the first American to orbit the Earth.

Centuries later, in 2376, Chakotay remarked that Glenn, along with fellow astronauts John Kelly, Rose Kumagawa, and Neil Armstrong were Earth's true space pioneers. (VOY: "One Small Step"; PIC: "Two of One")


Background information[]

From the Star Trek Encyclopedia, 4th ed., vol. 1, p. 306, "Glenn flew the Mercury-Atlas 6 spacecraft Friendship 7, in 1962, during which he made three orbits. Glenn, who had previously served as a military officer, subsequently served his country as a United States senator before returning to space as an astronaut aboard the space shuttle orbiter Discovery in 1995 for mission STS-95."

Space Shuttle astronauts launching in ENT opening titles

John Glenn, in center

In a note to the entry, the authors of the reference work had this to say, "John Glenn can be glimpsed in the main title sequence for Star Trek: Enterprise as one of the astronauts inside the space shuttle orbiter during the launch of STS-95."

Scott Carpenter's quote "Godspeed John Glenn" was used in the Star Trek teaser trailer.

External link[]
