Multiple realities
(covers information from several alternate timelines)
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A kilogram (kg) or kilo was a unit of mass, taken from the metric system, equal to 1,000 grams (g), 1 million milligrams (mg), or 1 trillion micrograms (µg). Other units derived from the kilogram include kilogram per cubic centimeter (density) or kilograms per minute (flow rate).
Comparative units of mass[]
- Nine-year old Lucille Harewood's weight was given as 24.95 kilograms on her medical status display at Royal Children's Hospital in an alternate reality 2259. (Star Trek Into Darkness)
- In 3189, an atomic scan of Philippa Georgiou's musculoskeletal system revealed that she had a trunk lean mass of 19.9 kilograms and a total lean mass of 40.1 kilograms. (DIS: "The Sanctuary")
- At the time of his supposed death in 2152, Travis Mayweather weighed 72 kilograms. (ENT: "Dead Stop") The Retellian, Plinn also weighed 72 kilograms. (ENT: "Precious Cargo")
- The Soong-type android Data weighed 100 kilograms. (TNG: "Inheritance")
- When Worf de-evolved in 2370 aboard the USS Enterprise, he registered in at approximately 200 kilograms. (TNG: "Genesis")