"I thought I could trim two or three days off our journey by cutting across the most insignificant corner of Klingon space. I learned very quickly there's no thing as an insignificant corner of Klingon space. We were lucky to escape with our lives, though we did pay a price."
The following is a list of mentioned planets and star systems in the Klingon Empire. All planets listed are or were inhabited at some point of time.
- Archanis IV (Archanis sector, ceded to the Federation in the 23rd century, reconquered in 2373)
- Boreth
- H'atoria
- Iota Geminorum IV
- Khitomer (Khitomer system, colony destroyed by Romulan forces in 2346, within Romulan territory as of 2369)
- Krios Prime
- Maranga IV
- Morska
- Narendra III (attacked by Romulan forces in 2344)
- N'Vak Colony (colony destroyed by Klingon forces in 2154)
- Ogat
- Organia (only briefly occupied in 2267)
- Praxis (Qo'noS system, destroyed in 2293)
- Qo'noS (Qo'noS system)
- Qu'Vat Colony
- Raatooras
- Rura Penthe (Beta Penthe system)
- Sherman's Planet (shared possession in 2267, granted to the Federation as of 2269)
- Ty'Gokor
- Donatu V
- Elas (Tellun system, claimed by the Empire in 2268)
- Forcas III
- Galorda Prime
- Ganalda IV
- Hitora colony
- Korvat colony
- Neural (claimed by the Empire in 2267)
- Torna IV
- Troyius (Tellun system, claimed by the Empire in 2268)
- Unnamed deuterium mining planet
- Xarantine homeworld
Stars and star systems[]
Tranome Sar was mentioned as the site of a battle between the Klingons and the Romulans, therefore it might be a planet or star within the Klingon Empire.
Other stellar phenomena[]
- Azure Nebula (on the border to Federation space)
- Baber Nebula
- Barnes Nebula
- Betreka Nebula (uncertain, may not really border the Klingon Empire)
- Gullory Nebula
- Hodges Nebula
- Stevens Nebula
- Klach D'kel Brakt (also called "Briar Patch", in Federation space as of 2375)
- Vodrey Nebula (on the border to Federation space)