Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha

The krada was an animal that originated from Klingon space. Its legs were eaten as food.

The Klingon restaurant on Deep Space 9 served krada legs broiled. In 2374, Kira Nerys mentioned to Odo, while they were leaving Quark's together, that she was in the mood for broiled krada legs, citing this as a reason for her suggesting that they have their lunch at the Klingon restaurant. (DS9: "The Sound of Her Voice")

A restaurant kiosk called Mr. Krada Leg existed on Starbase 25 in 2381. (LD: "An Embarrassment Of Dooplers")



According to L'Rell actress Mary Chieffo, krada meat was presented as part of a feast which was served for Kol's followers aboard the Klingon starship Sarcophagus in "The Butcher's Knife Cares Not for the Lamb's Cry". When L'Rell pretended to betray Voq in order to fool Kol that she was loyal to him, she separated a leg of the krada meat, took a bite, and ate the mouthful. The meat was not named on-screen but was identified as krada meat by Chieffo. ([1]; AT: "The Wolf Inside") During production on "The Butcher's Knife Cares Not for the Lamb's Cry", Chieffo and Voq actor Shazad Latif began joking about the krada leg Chieffo was holding, both of the actors adopting a strong accent and exclaiming, "Mister Krada Leg!" Latif later recalled, "She had the biggest piece. It was so big, it was covering her face." "Mister Krada Leg" became a recurring in-joke that they could use to psychologically anchor themselves while they were required to play darker scenes together in subsequent installments of DIS Season 1, including the episode "Despite Yourself" and while filming a sex scene between L'Rell and Ash Tyler. (AT: "The Wolf Inside")

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