Hoshi Sato was born in Kyoto, on July 9, 2129. (ENT: "In a Mirror, Darkly, Part II")
Background information[]
This city was identified on a political map of the North Pacific region. This map was accessed from the USS Enterprise library computer by the Talosians in 2254.
According to episode writer Michael Sussman, who created the biography of Sato, Kyoto was also where Hoshi and her husband were buried following her death on Tarsus IV. The section of the biography containing this information was not seen on screen.
Kyoto was also mentioned in the script (but not the final version) of Star Trek as shorthand for one of the institutes Starfleet Academy beat at exolinguistic skills in the Oxford invitational, thanks to Uhura.
According to the Star Trek: Star Charts (p. 32), Kyoto was the capital of Asia.