Memory Alpha

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Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha

The Kzinti police vessel was a type of starship utilized by the Kzinti. Following the Kzinti Wars, and in accordance to the Treaty of Sirius, Kzinti police vessels were the only type of military craft the Kzinti were allowed to possess.

In 2269, a police vessel known as the Traitor's Claw was stolen by the Chuft-Captain and his crew, where it was used in the attempted theft of a Slaver stasis box. (TAS: "The Slaver Weapon")

Background information[]

Kzinti vessel c2150s

Conceptual design of a 22nd century Kzinti starship

It was disclosed that if Star Trek: Enterprise had been renewed for a fifth season, Manny Coto wanted to do a Kzinti episode. Talk about the episode progressed to the point that a "rough rendering" of a Kzinti starship was produced for possible use. This rendering was similar to the ship designs for Kzinti warships in the alternate Star Fleet Universe.
