Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha

For the fictitious mirror universe counterpart, please see Lars Lundy (mirror).

Chief Lars Lundy was a male Human operations division Starfleet enlisted officer who served as a transporter chief aboard the USS Cerritos under Captain Carol Freeman during the 2380s.

Starfleet career[]

In 2380, Lundy beamed Captain Freeman and Commander Jack Ransom up from Beta III. A short time later, after the crew found out that Ensign Beckett Mariner was Captain Freeman's daughter, Lundy passed her and Ensign Brad Boimler in the corridor saying, "Mariner, lookin' good, girlfriend!" Mariner responded, "Get phased, Lundy." (LD: "No Small Parts")

In 2381, Lundy operated the transporter when the lower deckers first met Lieutenant junior grade Kayshon in the transporter room. (LD: "Kayshon, His Eyes Open")

Later that year, he beamed Shaxs and the away team down to Frylon IV. (LD: "Mugato, Gumato")

On stardate 58105.1, he transported Captain Freeman and Lieutenant Shaxs down to Pakled Planet for their peace negotiations. (LD: "The Spy Humongous")

In 2381, he was on duty in the transporter room when he was attacked by Sam Rutherford, as he attempted to leave the ship. (LD: "Reflections")

Lundy was later subjected by T'Illups to become part of their "Tuvix army", when he was Tuvixed with Honus into Chondus. Ensigns D'Vana Tendi and T'Lyn were later able to restore him to his normal self. (LD: "Twovix")

Personal life[]

Lars Lundy's face

Lundy's face

Lundy had an accent, and was observed as having a blotchy face by Ensign D'Vana Tendi. (LD: "Crisis Point") He was extremely skilled at guessing people's weights. (LD: "The Least Dangerous Game")

In 2381, Lundy's name appeared on Dr. T'Ana's list of crewmembers who had avoided their annual physical exam.

Lars Lundy and companion surfing

Lundy and a companion surfing on the holodeck

Tasked with completing the list, Ensign Tendi found Lundy on the holodeck, surfing with a female companion on his shoulders. Tendi managed to reach him via hang glider and scan him, though her presence caused him to lose his balance and wipe out. (LD: "Mugato, Gumato")

Lundy was a member of Shaxs' Bajoran dirge choir.

Brad Boimler was afraid of Lundy until 2381, when he forced himself to accept Lundy's invitation to model for his figure drawing class. (LD: "The Least Dangerous Game")

Hologram []

Boimler created a hologram of Lundy for his holoprogram, Boimler Seven, who later appeared in Ensign Mariner's augmented version of the program, Crisis Point: The Rise of Vindicta.

Lundy holographic duplicate

Lundy's holographic representation

He encountered Vindicta after she boarded the Cerritos, leading the phaser against the intruder. Vindicta then told him to bring her "Free-man", and he said, "Never, witch!", before Vindicta flipped him and threw him against a bulkhead. Moments later, he called Tendi a "dirty Orion" before Vindicta disintegrated him with a shot from her phaser.

Ensign Rutherford (as Bionic 5) commented that "Boimler did a good job. Chief Lundy's accent was spot-on." Ensign Tendi (as the similarly-named Tendi) concurred, and seemingly appreciated "the way [Lundy's] face was all blotchy." (LD: "Crisis Point")

Additionally, a "mirror universe" hologram of Lundy appeared in the holographic training program Mirror Universe Encounter. (LD: "I, Excretus")



Background information[]

Lundy was voiced by Nolan North.

Annual physical exam list

The appearance of Lundy's given name

His first name has only been referenced in writing on T'Ana's list.

As suggested by his accent and according to, Lundy "was of Belgian descent."

He wears a chief's insignia similar to the one worn by Miles O'Brien during the latter half of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine.

External link[]
