M'Pella was a dabo girl who worked in Quark's on Deep Space 9 for many years.
Together with many non-Starfleet residents of Deep Space 9, she listened to Benjamin Sisko's final speech, shortly before Starfleet left the station and Cardassians and the Dominion took control of Deep Space 9. After the speech she cleaned some tables in Quark's. (DS9: "Call to Arms")
M'Pella worked on a dabo table when a group of Cardassians and Jem'Hadar started a brawl during which some of them died. After this, she and Morn were interrogated by a Bajoran security deputy and she seemed shocked when she used a handkerchief. (DS9: "Behind the Lines")
In the time of the occupation she also worked in Quark's and entertained Cardassians and Jem'Hadar. (DS9: "Favor the Bold")
Along with Quark and another dabo girl, she welcomed home the returning Starfleet crew of Deep Space 9 after the joint forces of the Cardassians and the Dominion had left the station. (DS9: "Sacrifice of Angels")
M'Pella attended the memorial for Morn in Quark's and later comforted a distressed Quark when Morn seemed to have died. (DS9: "Who Mourns for Morn?")
When the crew of the USS Rubicon returned to the station after they encountered a subspace compression anomaly, it was Odo who remarked that Chief Miles O'Brien and Julian Bashir somehow seemed just a little smaller than usual. When M'Pella rose up from her barstool and was considerably taller than the two men, they went to the infirmary immediately. (DS9: "One Little Ship")
M'Pella was working at Quark's when Major Kira received Bajoran lilacs from Quark, celebrating her mother's birthday. (DS9: "Wrongs Darker Than Death or Night")
During her brief appearance in this episode, M'Pella's tattoo on her right back was clearly visible.
In 2374, an intoxicated Grathon Tolar attempted to dance with M'Pella while she was operating the dabo wheel. When Tolar became insistent, there was a brief struggle before Quark intervened. Tolar subsequently stabbed the Ferengi. The incident was quietly covered up after Sisko offered a bribe to Quark. (DS9: "In the Pale Moonlight")
When Odo and Sisko arrived in the aftermath of this incident, M'Pella's clothing was noticeably torn at her chest and her left shoulder, suggesting Tolar had more malevolent intentions than just dancing. Unlike Quark, however, she seemed more annoyed than injured from the incident.
She was running the dabo wheel when a grown up Molly O'Brien stabbed the Markalian Madrat in the chest with a broken bottle. (DS9: "Time's Orphan")
M'Pella was running a gambling table in Quark's shortly before Quark and Rom smuggled a cloaking device to the mirror universe Terok Nor. (DS9: "The Emperor's New Cloak")
In 2375, M'Pella and Leeta asked Quark to reduce the amount he took from their tips from 20% to 10%; Quark said he would "think about it". Shortly after, when it seemed Quark would be the next Grand Nagus, M'Pella offered to keep him company in his "great, big Nagal Residence", and Quark was more than happy to oblige her. M'Pella continued working at Quark's after it turned out that Rom was to be the next Nagus. (DS9: "The Dogs of War")
- DS9:
- "Empok Nor"
- "Call to Arms"
- "A Time to Stand"
- "Sons and Daughters"
- "Behind the Lines"
- "Favor the Bold"
- "Sacrifice of Angels"
- "You Are Cordially Invited"
- "Statistical Probabilities"
- "Who Mourns for Morn?"
- "One Little Ship"
- "Wrongs Darker Than Death or Night"
- "In the Pale Moonlight"
- "Profit and Lace"
- "Time's Orphan"
- "The Sound of Her Voice"
- "Take Me Out to the Holosuite"
- "Chrysalis"
- "Once More Unto the Breach"
- "Covenant"
- "The Emperor's New Cloak"
- "The Changing Face of Evil"
- "The Dogs of War"
Background information[]
M'Pella was played by Terry Farrell's stand-in and body double Cathy DeBuono and (along with Broik) was seen in the background at Quark's in several seasons of Deep Space Nine, but was never given lines or credit until her final appearance in "The Dogs of War."
She was first named as M'Pella in "In the Pale Moonlight". According to the episode's script, her name was pronounced as "meh-PEL-uh". [1]
The novel The 34th Rule identified M'Pella as being Bajoran, although she never had Bajoran nose ridges in the series. In Raise the Dawn she is identified as being "one of the rare Bajorans born with no rhinal ridges."
External links[]
- M'Pella at Memory Beta, the wiki for licensed Star Trek works