The toolbar is a bar on the bottom of your screen that appears on all pages on Memory Alpha when browsing in desktop mode. It will follow you as you scroll on a page, and it can be shown or hidden by clicking the X in the bottom-right corner of the screen. Hidden, the toolbar shows up as a wrench icon in the lower right corner of your screen. Click the icon again to reopen the toolbar. The toolbar follows you from community to community as well.
When you are logged in in, you can edit the toolbar to add links to your most commonly-used tools so they are only a click away. Some examples include the edit, move, history, and delete tools. The tools you select for the toolbar will only appear when they're available for use on the page you're viewing; for example, "Delete" will not show up when viewing Recent changes.
To customize the toolbar, click the "Customize" link. A dialog box will appear with a search field at the top and the list of currently-displayed tools below it. To restore the default toolbar, click "reset defaults" to the top-right of the "Toolbar List". To save your customization, click the "Save" button. If you make a mistake, you can click the "Cancel" button to exit without saving your changes.
To add tools to the list, type the name of a tool you want to add into the "Add A Tool" search box, then click the tool in the drop down that appears. You can also click "Popular Tools" and click the ones you wish to add to your list. If you add more tools to the toolbar than space allows, a "more…" menu will appear in the toolbar. A link to the full list of available tools is available under the "Add A Tool" section.
Hovering over a tool in the "Toolbar List" will show an edit icon to rename the tool, a delete icon to remove it from your toolbar, and a drag selector to move the tool before or after other tools. You can also rearrange tools into the "My Tools" menu to create a menu in your toolbar. The "My Tools" menu will always appear at the end of the customization list and cannot be removed or deleted; however, if the menu does not contain any tools, it will not appear in the toolbar.
Tools you can add to your toolbar[]
See also[]
- Check the full list of available tools
- Learn about notifications
- Learn how to edit the announcements