A mani-pedi was the professional act of grooming both the finger and toe nails of a humanoid, and often involved the placement of cucumber slices placed over the eyes. Individually, these acts were known as a manicure and pedicure, and were performed by a professional known as a manicurist.
In 2375, rumor spread on Ferenginar that Grand Nagus Zek was to name Quark his successor. Brunt, paraphrasing the 33rd Rule of Acquisition, promptly started currying favor with Quark by giving him a pedicure. When it emerged that Rom was to be Nagus instead, Quark suggested to his brother that he demanded a pedicure from Brunt, too. (DS9: "The Dogs of War")
According to the Edosian Toz of the starship Dove, "the Human ritual of mani-pedis, is renowned across the quadrant, for its calming power." In 2381, the engineering staff of the USS Cerritos visited the Dove for a therapeutic getaway. Among the staff's techniques was the mani-pedi, where Toz explained to Cerritos Captain Carol Freeman that such thing "would keep their eyes covered and hands busy."
When questioned about his pedicure, Sam Rutherford revealed that "It's about time these little piggies got pampered." When told that, "If you like that, you'll love the manicure," Rutherford passed, explaining that, "Oh, just the pedi's fine." When egged on by Captain Freeman, he was told, "Come on. You can't have a pedi without a mani," with Toz adding, "It's like a pedi for your hand-toes." Upon Rutherford's further refusal it was discovered that all of the engineers had placed a cucumber slice beneath their stress meter wrist band to given the impression that they were enjoying themselves, much to the dismay of Freeman. (LD: "Room for Growth")
A cut scene in "The Chase" would have established that Mr. Mott also gave pedicures, although he had recently had an accident while giving one to Beverly Crusher.