Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha

Lieutenant Matt was a beluga whale who served as a Starfleet sciences division officer during the 24th century. Matt specialized in navigation.

In 2381, he served aboard the USS Cerritos in Cetacean Ops alongside Lieutenant junior grade Kimolu. (LD: "First First Contact")

Ransom, Westlake, Matt and Honus

Ransom and his besties

Along with Honus and Westlake, Commander Jack Ransom described Matt as one of his "besties". Ransom had a photograph of himself with the three of them on his PADD, which showed them hanging out in Cetacean Ops. (LD: "Crisis Point 2: Paradoxus")

During his interview with FNN reporter Victoria Nuzé, he explained that when he and Kimolu were not stellar mapping aboard the Cerritos, they were partying. (LD: "Trusted Sources")

On the orders of T'Illups, Matt was "Tuvixed" with Steve Stevens, forming the hybrid Swhale Swhalens. (LD: "Twovix")



Background information[]

The subtitles indicating when Matt was speaking were presented in yellow lettering.

External link[]
