Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha AboutPolicies and guidelines → Administrators

Administrators are Memory Alpha users with "system operator" (or "sysop") rights. They are not superior to other users, but are able to perform maintenance and security tasks which are restricted for most users. Administrators still have all of the responsibilities that any other regular user has, in addition to an administrator's more exclusive responsibilities.

Becoming an administrator

If you believe that a fellow archivist would make a good administrator, you can add the name to the list of nominations for administratorship. Please note that at this time, you cannot nominate yourself for this position. Memory Alpha's general policy is to grant administrator status to anyone who has actively participated in the development of the encyclopedia for a while and is a recognized member of the community. For a wiki, the more administrators that participate in the system, the better.

There are no strict standards for becoming an administrator; however, in general it is expected that a nominee for administratorship be a registered member of the community for at least several months, and to have made several hundred edits to articles. It's best for the nominees to exhibit a good understanding of Memory Alpha's policies and guidelines and to be an active participant in the implementation of those policies for various articles. In this case, both quality and quantity are important factors to be considered.

When a member is nominated for administratorship, the nomination should be discussed and voted upon by all registered members. (Unregistered members are not permitted to vote for administrators.) If, after a period of no less than seven days, there is unanimous agreement in support of the nomination, then the nomination is accepted and a bureaucrat will grant the member administrator privileges. If no consensus is achieved within fourteen days, then the nomination is rejected. A rationale should be provided with each vote. Especially, any objection with clearly no connection to this project can be considered invalid.

Members may be re-nominated after a one-month waiting period following the date of the rejection of the previous nomination. There is no limit to the number of times a member may be nominated. Nominations for members who are obviously new and/or unqualified may be rejected before the voting cycle is completed.

See also

List of administrators

User Role(s) Edits Last edited Language Status
Role bg ca cs de en eo es fr it ja nl pl pt ro ru sr sv uk zh mu
Bureaucrat list list list list list list list list list list list list list list list list list list list list
Sysop list list list list list list list list list list list list list list list list list list list list
Content moderator list list list list list list list list list list list list list list list list list list list list
Quick answers editor list list list list list list list list list list list list list list list list list list list list
Rollback list list list list list list list list list list list list list list list list list list list list
Bot list list list list list list list list list list list list list list list list list list list list