Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha
Text message, 2379

The number of 47 can be found in this image

This project is to list and find citations for every conceivable reference to the 47 phenomenon in Star Trek. This means that pre-season 4 of TNG, and stardates that begin with 47 are NOT directly related to the in-joke, and should not be listed here. The project is broken down into four main sections: stand alone, string, separate, and mathematical; with a production section as a supplement. When referencing, linking to other pages beyond the episode is not important right now, but if you reference an image, please link to the image.

Stand alone[]

This section is for listing stand alone 47s. This means that the 47 is not directly part of a larger number, unless the entire number is made up of 47s and zeros. This would include:

  • Weapons locker 47 on DS9 (the image on the 47 page)
  • 47 7654 7839 (from the image at the top of the article, note the spacing)
  • 4747
  • 47 at the end of a string of zeros (0047)
  • 47 in a string of zeros (0740)
  • 47s in a stardate that are after the point (XXXXX.47)

SA: The Next Generation[]


  • Episode 2 : "Family" :
    • At dinner with his brother's family, Picard incorrectly identifies wine served to him as being of '46 vintage when it is in fact '47. Before returning to the Enterprise his brother gives him a bottle of the '47.
  • Episode 4 : "Suddenly Human" :
    • "We will rendezvous with the warship Q'Maire at 0740." (Picard)
  • Episode 10 : "The Loss" :
  • Episode 11 : "Data's Day" :
    • Data feeds Spot Feline Supplement #74.
  • Episode 18 : "Identity Crisis" :
    • "Analyze audio elements from time index 14-4-7 to ..." (La Forge).
  • Episode 19 : "The Nth Degree" :
    • "Shield failure in 47 seconds" (Data)
  • Episode 20 : "Qpid" :
    • "Of those [archeological excavations], some 74 are generally believed to have revealed findings of major importance." (Picard)


  • Episode 2 : "Darmok" :
    • The computer tells Deanna Troi that there are 47 references to "Darmok" in the linguistic database for the current sector.
  • Episode 5 : "Disaster" :
    • 47 can be seen on a button on a panel as Picard and the children climb the turbolift shaft.
  • Episode 6 : "The Game" :
    • Alyssa Ogawa tells Wesley that she's on level 47 of the addictive game.
  • Episode 14 : "Conundrum" :
    • An athlete injures herself during holodeck Program 47-C, Cliffs of Heaven.
    • During the scene where Data and La Forge attempt to access the medical records, the second button from the top of the keypad to the right of Data's viewscreen in Main Engineering bears the number 47.
    • Riker reads 47 Lysian probes around the perimeter of the Lysian central command.
  • Episode 22 : "Imaginary Friend" :
    • During the entire episode, the Enterprise is investigating the FGC-47 Nebula.
    • Upon generating the high-frequency warp field within the nebula, an irregular lattice composed of approximately 47 million strands of energy becomes visible.
  • Episode 23 : "I Borg" :
    • The virus against the Borg was named "Topological Anomaly 4747".


  • Episode 1 : "Time's Arrow, Part II" :
    • Samuel Clemens tells Picard "a frequency of, um, .047 on your phaser will correctly activate this... this creature."
  • Episode 2: "Realm Of Fear" :
    • 47 can be seen on the control panel of the medical scanner Dr. Crusher uses on Barclay. It is the second button down.
  • Episode 5 : "Schisms" :
    • When Riker deactivates his alarm clock, one of the digits on the display is a 47, the second indicator.
  • Episode 6 : "True Q" :
    • Data reports the temperature in the reaction chamber has risen 47 percent.
  • Episode 7 : "Rascals" :
    • The number 47 apears on the classroom computer's control panel.
  • Episode 8 : "A Fistful of Datas" :
    • Computer core subroutine C47 was replaced by parts of Data's programming. C47 controls the LCARS and recreational programs.
  • Episode 11 : "Chain Of Command, Part II" :
    • La Forge scans the Cardassian ship using Quantum Resonance Scan 047.
  • Episode 13 : "Aquiel"  :
    • Relay Station 47 is mentioned as well as seen.
  • Episode 16 : "Birthright, Part I" :
    • A power surge from a Gamma Quadrant device knocks Data unconscious for 47 seconds.
  • Episode 21 : "Frame of Mind" :
    • When Riker first appears in the mental institution and asks where he is, he is told that he is in ward 47 of the Tilonus Institute for Mental Disorders.
  • Episode 25 : "Timescape" :
    • Data reports that the starboard nacelle of the Enterprise-D runabout has been in continuous operation for 47 days.
  • Episode 26: "Descent"  :


  • Episode 1 : "Descent, Part II" :
    • 47 people are left behind on the planet as the Rogue Borg ship forces the Enterprise to leave orbit.
  • Episode 3 : "Interface" :
    • Data is studying an art form which contains an empty pause lasting for 47 minutes.
  • Episode 11 : "Parallels" :
    • In an alternate reality, Starbase 47 was being observed by Cardassians.
  • Episode 19 : "Genesis" :
    • The computer tells Riker that for a security subspace channel to be opened to Starfleet Command, an Alpha 47 authorization is required.
  • Episode 23 : "Emergence" :
    • One of the containers in the cargo bay is labelled 47.
    • La Forge says that the creation of the object in the cargo bay has drained the warp energy by 47%

SA: Deep Space Nine[]


  • Episode 1: "Emissary" :
    • The number 47 is seen on one of the USS Rio Grande consoles.
  • Episode 13: "Battle Lines" :
    • The number 47 is visible on a keypad on one of the front panels of the USS Yangtzee Kiang.
  • Episode 15 : "Progress" :
    • Kira tells Mullibok that 47 others have already left Bajor's fifth moon and that he should leave too.


  • Episode 2 : "The Circle" :
    • The number 47 appears in the line underneath Bajoran Regional Comm Network during a communication on Odo's console.
  • Episode 11 : "Rivals" :
    • Rule of Acquisition No. 47 is quoted: "Don't trust a man wearing a better suit than your own."
  • Episode 14 : "Whispers" :
    • While looking for a place to hide in the Parada system O'Brien asks the computer to identify the largest planet, which is Parada IV. He then asks the computer how many moons are around Parada 4 and its response is 7.
  • Episode 17 : "Playing God" :
    • The number 47 is seen on the runabout USS Mekong display showing the "subspace seaweed".
    • Opening between verteron nodes in the wormhole at 130 mark 47.


  • Episode 8 : "Meridian" :
    • O'Brien tells Dax that the dimensional shift should occur within the next 47 minutes.
  • Episode 9 : "Defiant" :
    • The Defiant blows up Cardassian Outpost 47.
  • Episode 17 : "Visionary" :
    • Due to malfunctioning replicators, the Romulan delegation has to be moved to alternative quarters in section 47, level 2 of the Habitat Ring.
  • Episode 24 : "Shakaar" :
    • If O'Brien had won one more darts match against Bashir, it would've been his 47th consecutive victory.
  • Episode 26 : "The Adversary" :
    • Dax says that the Defiant has 47 people on board.
    • Kira says that the Defiant's course has been changed to 015.47.


  • Episode 3 : "The Visitor" :
    • Jake works on a story on a PADD labeled "4747".
  • Episode 4 : "Hippocratic Oath"
    • Worf reviews Regana Tosh's record on a PADD labeled "4747".
      Regana Toshs criminal record

      PADD 4747

  • Episode 10 : "Our Man Bashir" :
    • Hippocrates Noah plans to destroy Earth using a network of 74 lasers positioned at different locations on the planet's surface.
  • Episode 11 : "Homefront" :
    • The number 47 also appears on a transport tube seen during the first view of Starfleet Headquarters on Earth.
  • Episode 12 : "Paradise Lost" :
    • Admiral Leyton's security access code is Leyton 1 Omega 47 (seen on screen when Sisko and Odo break into Leyton's personnel assessment log).
    • According to Sisko, the Red Squad cadets returned to base at 19:47 PST.
    • The official name of Red Squad is Cadet Training Squadron 47.
    • The number 47 also appears on a transport tube seen during the first view of Starfleet Headquarters on Earth.
    • The Global Security Net display is 4747.
      Earth map

      GSN, 4747

  • Episode 14 : "Return to Grace" :
    • Timed target practice result from Cardassian freighter is 3:47.
  • Episode 15 : "Sons of Mogh" :
    • Kira orders O'Brien to detonate the Klingons' mines in grids 22 alpha through 47 gamma.
  • Episode 19 : "Hard Time" :
  • Episode 20 : "Shattered Mirror" :
    • Ops also has a Weapons Locker 47, Kira takes three phasers out of it before attempting to beam over to the mirror universe.
  • Episode 21 : "The Muse" :
    • Jake is working on the same story on the same 4747 PADD as in "The Visitor"



  • Episode 1 : "A Time to Stand" :
    • Ross shows Sisko the location of a ketracel-white facility on a map labeled "Stellar Cartography 4747"
  • Episode 9 : "Statistical Probabilities" :
    • Bashir presents Sisko with a PADD labelled 47.
  • Episode 12 : "Who Mourns for Morn?" :
    • Morn's account number at the Bank of Bolias is C-J-5-74-36.


  • Episode 1 : "Image in the Sand" :
    • In the first scene after the opening title sequence, Kira is holding a PADD labeled 4774.
    • While Sisko is using a PADD recreating Sarah Sisko's face, the program he used was called: Facsimile Construction Program 047.
  • Episode 4 : "Take Me Out to the Holosuite" :
    • During the baseball game, Kasidy Yates' number is 47.
  • Episode 5 : "Chrysalis" :
    • Lauren is holding a PADD containing Nog's personal details. The PADD is labeled number 4774.
    • The display "How to avoid DISASTER"'s serial number is 546545-47.
  • Episode 13 : "Field of Fire" :
    • Joran Dax tells Ezri Dax that they have 47 Vulcan suspects to eliminate from the list.

SA: Voyager[]


Isolinear chips, 47

The isolinear chip 47

  • Episode 1 : "Caretaker" :
    • The interval between each energy pulse from the Caretaker's array increases by "0.47 seconds" in frequency.
  • Episode 3 : "Parallax" :
    • The Doctor is programmed with the experience of 47 individual medical officers.
    • The Doctor tells Janeway to switch to channel 47, the Emergency Holographic Medical Program Channel.
  • Episode 5 : "Phage" :
    • The Doctor says Neelix will survive another 47 minutes.
  • Episode 10 : "Prime Factors" :
  • Episode 12 : "Heroes and Demons" :
    • The Doctor says he had to work for 74 hours to create a cure for a disease.
  • Episode 13 : "Cathexis" :
    • The Doctor reports that for 1 minute and 47 seconds that Paris' memory patterns changed.
  • Episode 16 : "Learning Curve" :
    • Tuvok reports there are 47 gelpacks remaining.


  • Episode 3 : "Projections" :
    • Voyager's crew is stored in memory block 47-Alpha.
  • Episode 4 : "Elogium" :
    • Kim reports that shields are down to 47%.
  • Episode 5 : "Non Sequitur" :
    • Kim works in Starfleet Headquarters on Level 6, Subsection 47 of the main building.
  • Episode 10: "Cold Fire" :
    • Tanis says Suspiria will contact Voyager within 47 hours.
  • Episode 12 : "Resistance" :
    • Voyager must set a course to 219.47 to hide in an electrical storm.
  • Episode 20 : "Investigations" :
    • Crewman Hogan uses engineering authorization code Omega-47 for accessing subspace communication logs. Later on, Neelix uses the same code to get access to the desktop monitor at Tom Paris's quarters.
  • Episode 21 : "Deadlock" :
    • Torres says she's tried remodulating the carrier five times on 47 different frequencies.
  • Episode 22 : "Innocence" :
    • Torres is looking at a planetary scan labeled 047.
  • Episode 25 : "Resolutions" :
    • During a Vidiian attack, Paris reports the shields were down to 47%.


  • Episode 1 : "Basics, Part II" :
    • The Doctor receives a message from Paris he is viewing Vessel Schematic 4747
  • Episode 3 : "The Chute" :
    • Paris is wrongly convicted of killing 47 Akritirian patrollers.
  • Episode 5 : "False Profits" :
    • Arridor tells Kol that they must turn to the Rules of Acquisition for guidance, to the fully annotated edition with all 47 commentaries.
  • Episode 8 : "Future's End" :
    • After Tuvok destroyed the hard drive of Rain Robinson's computer, the message "Fatal System Error #0047" can be seen on the bottom of the screen.
    • At the bottom of the screen where Neelix and Kes are monitoring Earth transmissions, it reads "Binary interpolation _47" (I can't tell whether or not that is an 0 or a 9 --LauraCC (talk) 20:19, April 11, 2016 (UTC))
  • Episode 9 : "Future's End, Part II" :
    • Starling's assistant uses communication satellite SATCOM 47 to beam Starling off Voyager.
    • Aboard the Aeon, Starling enters the information "penetration point at 96 mark 047" to the computer.
  • Episode 11 : "The Q and the Grey" :
    • Kim reports a supernova at bearing 217 mark 47.
  • Episode 14 : "Alter Ego" :
    • Just before Tuvok beams over to Marayna's station, Chakotay reports "Shields down to 47%."
  • Episode 17 : "Unity" :
    • Chakotay has to beam over to module 47 Omega section 9 in order to activate the neuroelectric generator.
  • Episode 19 : "Rise" :
    • Once Neelix stabilizes the mag-lev carriage, he reports: "Velocity: 47 kilometers per hour and holding."
  • Episode 21 : "Before and After" :
    • The temporal variance of the Krenim torpedo causing Kes's travel backwards through time is 1.47 microseconds.
  • Episode 22 : "Real Life" :
    • Tuvok reports astral eddy "bearing down on us, 047 mark 19."
  • Episode 23 : "Distant Origin" :
    • A Voth scientist says that the skeleton they found is "from a species found nowhere in known space. And yet, we share 47 genetic markers with this being."
    • When The Doctor examines a Voth, he also counts 47 genetic markers in common.
  • Episode 25 : "Worst Case Scenario" :
    • At the staff meeting, Chakotay reports the holoprogram Insurrection Alpha "has been accessed 47 times by 33 different crewmembers."
    • When Tuvok accesses the program to continue editing, he states "Security clearance Tuvok 4-7-7-4." He uses the same code when he tries to abort an auto-destruct sequence later.
  • Episode 26 : "Scorpion" : The identification sign for a console that a few crewmen transfer through the corridors states the number 47.
    • A medical display states 'Image Enhancement 47'.


  • Episode 7 : "Scientific Method" :
    • Seven declares hull breeches on decks 4, 7, 8, and 12.
  • Episode 8 : "Year of Hell" :
    • The episode shows "Day 47" of the Year of Hell.
    • The temporal variance of the Krenim torpedo is still 1.47 microseconds, but it is Seven, not Kes, who scans it.
    • The Krenim call Voyager "Component 047 Beta" in their calculations.
  • Episode 11 : "Concerning Flight" :
    • Voyager's main computer core is capable of "simultaneous access to 47 million data channels."
    • Janeway and da Vinci are said to be 4.7 kilometers from the city.
  • Episode 14 : "Message in a Bottle" :
    • Janeway says "We're in the Delta Quadrant, at coordinates 18 mark 205 mark 47."
    • Back in the Alpha Quadrant, a Romulan commander who's commandeered the USS Prometheus calls for "Attack pattern beta-four-seven."
  • Episode 18 : "The Killing Game" :
    • While decoding the BBC's weather report, Katrine writes 74 on the wine label.
  • Episode 19 : "The Killing Game, Part II" :
    • While attempting to disable the neural interfaces from the sickbay, Janeway accesses a computer terminal labeled "Auxiliary Systems 0470"
  • Episode 25 : "One" :
    • As in "Basics, Part II", The Doctor consults "vessel schematic 4747" when accessing Mission Ops I.
  • Episode 26 : "Hope and Fear" :
    • Admiral Hayes says that 47 test flights have been made with the new slipstream drive.


  • Episode 1 : "Night" :
    • The Patient Biomedical Status reports "Cellular degradation 13.47" and the Theta radiation levels fluctuate, but end with .47 most of the time.
    • Paris reports the time to reach the vortex is 47 seconds.
  • Episode 2 : "Drone" :
    • The Borg/EMH emitter hybrid known as One was able to assimilate 47 billion teraquads of information from Voyager's computers.
  • Episode 3 : "Extreme Risk" :
    • Chakotay said to Torres she has run the program for 47 seconds.
  • Episode 4 : "In the Flesh" :
    • Boothby says Chakotay's registration number is 47-Alpha-612.
  • Episode 7 : "Infinite Regress" :
  • Episode 9 : "Thirty Days" :
    • When Janeway tells Burkus the cause of his ocean world's containment problem, he complains "I'm supposed to go back and explain this to 47 regional sovereigns?"
  • Episode 19 : "The Fight" :
    • In sickbay, as The Doctor puts Chakotay back in his vision quest, there is a display with the title "MICRO CELLULAR SCAN 407" including graphics with numbers 14 and 47.


  • Episode 1 : "Equinox, Part II" :
    • While the doctor from USS Equinox is finding the frequency of Voyager's shields, he accesses a screen named "Subspace Comm Protocols 047".
  • Episode 8 : "One Small Step" :
    • As Chakotay asks Paris if the tractor beam is ready there is a screen in the background which is labeled "Vessel Status 4747".


  • Episode 9 : "Flesh and Blood" :
    • In astrometrics, while searching for the rogue hologram ship, the number 47 can be seen on the main screen.
  • Episode 19 : "Author, Author" :
    • An EMH hologram that is working in the Federation dilithium processing facility suggests to another EMH hologram that he should view holoprogram 47 beta during his diagnostic.
  • Episode 24 : "Endgame" :
    • Seven says that there are at least 47 Borg cubes within the nebula.

SA: Enterprise[]



  • Episode 23 : "Regeneration" :
    • The description "UNBG 47" appears numerous times on several displays aboard Enterprise.


  • Episode 5 : "Impulse" :
    • The panel at the turbolift during T'Pol's nightmare reads "47 - 02".


  • Episode 5 : "Cold Station 12 " :
    • After bording the station, Arik Soong initiates protocol 047.
  • Episode 13 : "United" :
    • Travis reports that Enterprise will take 47 minutes to intercept the prototype Romulan drone-ship at maximum warp.
  • Episode 16 : "Divergence" :
    • In Enterprise's brig, Archer tells Reed that the starship's warp reactor will breach in 47 minutes if measures aren't taken to save the ship.
  • Episode 19 : "In a Mirror, Darkly, Part II" :
    • T'Pol tells Archer that 47 crew members from ISS Enterprise made it to USS Defiant.
  • Episode 21 : "Terra Prime" : The hybrid baby is held in chamber 03-47.

SA: Discovery[]



SA:Lower Decks[]


SA: Films[]


  • 47 out of 150 El-Aurian refugees were saved by the USS Enterprise-B.
  • Data says that the nexus will arrive at Veridian III in 47 minutes.

SA:First Contact[]

Warp field gen

Warp field generator

  • Manual input for deflector dish mag locks. 47 is seen twice on the monitor. Once as 47 and once as 047032.
  • G-95 SYS.47 and 4747 (image)
  • The screen on which the coordinates for Gravett Island are entered is labeled "Evacuation Pod H-47".


  • A text message from Picard sent to Troi during the battle with the Scimitar contained the string "Auto Confirmation 47 7654 7839". (Image at top of page)

SA:Star Trek[]

  • In the shipyard, Kirk passes a sign identifying the area as Sector 47 on his way to the shuttle taking him to Starfleet Academy.
  • Uhura picks up transmissions from a battle in which the Narada destroys 47 Klingon ships.


This section is for listing string 47s. This means that the 47 is part of a larger number, or string of numbers. This would include:

  • 47 7654 7839 (from the image at the top of the article)
  • stardate XXXX4.7

STR: The Next Generation[]


  • Episode 3 : "Brothers" :
    • Data concocts a fiendishly long password in which the substring "47" occurs twice.
    • USS Ajax NCC-11574
    • Starbase 174
  • Episode 4 : "Suddenly Human" :
    • Sector 21947
  • Episode 6 : "Legacy" :
    • Ishara Yar tells the senior staff that the hostages' escape pod is at Level 3-C, section 547.
  • Episode 9 : "Final Mission" : A 47 was seen in a string of rapidly changing numbers on the ops display as the Nenebek left the shuttlebay.
  • Episode 13 : "Devil's Due" :
    • Stardate 44474.5
  • Episode 14 : "Clues" :
    • "bearing 285.147" (McKnight)
  • Episode 18 : "Identity Crisis" :
    • The archive footage of the USS Victory was recorded on stardate 40164.7.
    • The LCARS screen with the different footprints is labeled 40274.
  • Episode 19 : "The Nth Degree" :
    • Stardate 44704.2
  • Episode 20 : "Qpid" :
    • Picard gives a lecture on the archaeological mysteries of Tagus III. He says "There have been 947 known archeological excavations conducted on the planet's surface.
  • Episode 21 : "The Drumhead" :
    • Engineering sensor log playback 44765.2.
    • "This hearing is convened at stardate 44780". (Picard)
  • Episode 24 : "The Mind's Eye" :
    • Power is rerouted to auxiliary power distribution system code number 44762.
  • Episode 25 : "In Theory" :
    • Picard asks how much further until the nebula perimeter is reached. The Enterprise responds "4.7 million kilometers".


  • Episode 2 : "Darmok" :
    • Worf reports the particle gradient as 4/7.
  • Episode 18 : "Cause And Effect" :
    • At the end of the episode, it is revealed that the Enterprise had been caught in the temporal causality loop for 17.4 days.


  • Episode 4 : "Relics" :
  • Episode 5 : "Schisms" :
    • While on the holodeck, Troi asks the computer to display a table. The computer states that there are 5047 different classifications of tables in the holographic database.
    • Edward Hagler's quarters are on Deck 9, Room 1947.
  • Episode 26 : "Descent" :
    • The outpost on Ohniaka III had a crew of 274.
    • The shuttle carrying Data and the Borg drone is identified heading on a course 247.059


  • Episode 4 : "Gambit, Part I" :
    • As Picard is cataloging the artifacts, he labels one example "478B".
  • Episode 12 : "The Pegasus" :
    • The registry number of the USS Pegasus is NCC-53847.
    • Picard tells Riker that a formal inquiry will be launched into the illegal interphase cloaking device when the Enterprise arrives at Starbase 247.
  • Episode 14 : "Sub Rosa" :
    • Ronin was 'born' in 1647.
  • Episode 22 : "Bloodlines" :
    • When Data scans the planet for Human life signs, we see a display of the eight people on an LCARS terminal. The numbers attached to each contact are difficult to make out but at least one, the one lowest down on the display, contains the substring "47"
  • Episode 25 and 26 : "All Good Things..." :
    • Starbase 247 is Admiral Riker's headquarters in the anti-time future.

STR: Deep Space Nine[]

  • USS Defiant's registry number is 74205


  • Episode 1 and 2 : "Emissary" :
    • The computer display indicated that the Idran system was located 4.7234 light years from the terminus of the Bajoran wormhole.


  • Episode 3 : "The House of Quark" :
    • O'Brien]] works a PADD with a control button labeled 947 (Image).
  • Episode 9 : "Defiant" :
    • Kira's security code is "Kira Delta 547 Alpha".


  • Episode 8 : "Little Green Men" :
    • When Jake asked Nog how long they'd stood at their spot on the promenade, Nog joked "2,147"
  • Episode 14 : "Return to Grace" :
    • Kira tells Ziyal that a Cardassian rifle's energy output is 4.7 megajoules.
  • Episode 17 : "Accession" :


  • Episode 23 : "Blaze of Glory" :
    • Sisko uses a security code - "Sisko - A471".


  • Episode 13 : "Far Beyond the Stars" :
    • The Preacher quotes from the Bible (2 Timothy 4:7), "I have fought the good fight. I have finished the course. I have kept the faith."
  • Episode 14 : "One Little Ship" :
    • The number 47 can be seen in the circuitry when O'Brien and Bashir are inside the processor housing.
  • Episode 19 : "In the Pale Moonlight" :
    • Sisko and Garak review a datapad with Vreenak's bio, the pad is labeled 4778.
  • Episode 25 : "The Sound of Her Voice" :
    • Odo tells Quark that his Dabo wheel breaks station protocol 4721.


  • Episode 17 : "Penumbra" :
    • Sector 04-70 is the official designation for the region otherwise described as the "Badlands."
  • Episode 23 : "Extreme Measures" :
    • While inside Sloan's mind, Bashir and O'Brien are fired upon and collapse to the floor against the wall. Finally, O'Brien decides to try one more door. The panel next to the door he tries has buttons arranged vertically reading, from top to bottom, 51, 47, 88, 3, 69, 40, and 77. The button numbered 47 is the one that O'Brien taps.
  • Episode 16 : "Inter Arma Enim Silent Leges" :
    • The USS Bellerophon, an Intrepid class Federation starship, has the registry NCC-74705.
    • Episode 24 : "The Dogs of War" :
      • Sisko, Ross, Martok and the Romulan reunite to discuss the Dominion situation, there is a large computer panel displaying a map: there is a number 547 on the top rule. On the horizontal yellow bar below, there is another figure: 847-9588.

STR: Voyager[]

  • USS Voyager's registry number is NCC-74656
  • Species 8472.


Sub-space emission scan

Sub-space emission scan 247

  • Episode 5 : "Phage" :
    • Kim says they are 547 meters away from source.
  • Episode 7: "Eye of the Needle" :
    • A close-up of Harry Kim's scan of the subspace disturbance shows that it's scan 247.
  • Episode 9 : "Emanations" :
    • The crew discover the 247th element.
  • Episode 10 : "Prime Factors" :
    • A screen in engineering shows a Quantum Analysis number 7429


  • Episode 02 : "Non Sequitur" :
    • The registry of the USS Yellowstone is NX-74751
  • Episode 13 : "Prototype" :
    • The android is Automated Unit 3947.
  • Episode 17 : "Dreadnought" :
    • Stardate 49477
  • Episode 21 : "Deadlock" :
    • Kim reports that 347 Vidiians have boarded the ship.


  • Episode 1 : "Basics, Part II" :
    • As Lon Suder tries to disable the secondary phaser couplings and is shot by a Kazon, he reaches for a button to push. The button directly above it is labeled "247".
  • Episode 8 : "Future's End" :
    • Janeway says to Chakotay that Southern California sank in the sea in 2047.
    • As Braxton is running away from the police, the male officer reports as "247" over the radio.
    • Kes and Neelix are watching television shows from the Earth. In the bottom of the screen the number 147 can be seen.
  • Episode 12 : "Macrocosm" :
    • The Doctor enters a mine and proceeds on "vector 147".
  • Episode 13 : "Fair Trade" :
    • According to Paris, the proper container for bio-mimetic gel is Starfleet Standard issue container L647X7.
  • Episode 14 : "Alter Ego" :
    • When Tuvok returns, he makes a log entry dated 50471.2.
  • Episode 21 : "Before and After" :
    • During one of Kes' flashbacks, Kim tells her it is stardate 56947.


  • Episode 2 : "The Gift" :
    • The communications node that Seven of Nine notices in main engineering has Starfleet ID 59S47B.
    • Annika Hansen was born on stardate 25479 at the Tendara colony.
  • Episode 13 : "Waking Moments" :
    • Chief Medical Officer's Log, Stardate 51471.3.
  • Episode 15 : "Hunters" :
    • Kim reports the Hirogen ship is "on a heading 274 mark 13".
  • Episode 18 : "The Killing Game" :
    • The bar takings are 1,247 francs.
  • Episode 25 : "One" :
    • Seven orders the computer to "adjust heading by .347 degrees starboard"


  • Episode 5 : "Once Upon a Time" :
    • Worried about her mother, Naomi quotes Starfleet regulation 476-9, "All away teams must report to the bridge at least once every 24 hours."
  • Episode 13 : "Gravity" :
    • Janeway promises to rescue the away team in 30 minutes and tells them about the time differential, that "according to our calculations, the differential ration is .4744 seconds per minute." Tuvok calculates that "according to that formula, 30 minutes would translate to 2 days, 11 hours and 47 seconds."
  • Episode 22 : "Someone to Watch Over Me" :
    • One of the log entries in Seven's study of Paris and Torres is from stardate 52647.
  • Episode 24 : "Relativity" :
    • As Captain Janeway beams aboard Voyager, Admiral Patterson asks her what the threshold of the H2 molecule is, which she answers correctly with "14.7 electron-volts".
    • The registry number of the USS Relativity is NCV-474439-G.


  • Episode 5 : "Alice" :
    • In Main Engineering, Kim reports, "Power fluctuation's down to 4.7%."
  • Episode 11 : "Fair Haven" :
    • Seven shows Borg classification 3472, a particle density anomaly, on the view screen in astrometrics to some of the senior crew.
  • Episode 26 : "Unimatrix Zero" :
    • The panel in the cargo bay where Tuvok is performing the "Bridging of Minds" is marked "Neural/Synaptic Monitor 147".


  • Episode 1 : "Unimatrix Zero, Part II" :
    • The Doctor is working on a science station titled "Neural Circuitry Pattern 247" (this is also the episode's production number).

STR: Enterprise[]



  • Episode 19 : "Judgment" :
    • Regarding the larger fragment of the ring system, T'Pol mentions "bearing 227.4".
  • Episode 23 : "Regeneration" :
    • The hull marking 1472 can be seen above a doorway aboard the Borg's assimilated transport.
    • The number "477" is featured on the display table aboard Enterprise.
    • The numbers 64758 and 049478 were seen on a medical report PADD of the researchers.


  • Episode 2 : "Anomaly (ENT)" :
    • The viewscreen sensor data display showing the Osaarian ship's ion trail contains the number 674832.
  • Episode 5 : "Impulse" :
    • The crew complement of the Seleya is 147.
  • Episode 10 : "Similitude" :
    • Sim's space coffin's ID number (visible during final scene) begins with 247.


  • Episode 15 : "Affliction" :
    • Close-ups of Malcolm's tactical console display references of 47.
  • Episode 19 : "In a Mirror, Darkly, Part II" :
    • Mirror T'Pol reports there are 47 crewmembers on the Defiant.

STR: Films[]

STR:The Undiscovered Country[]

  • USS Constellation NCC-1974


  • When the USS Enterprise-D's shields operate at a frequency of 257.4.

STR:First Contact[]

  • The registry number for the USS Yeager is NCC-61947.
  • The code entered by Lieutenant Hawk to release the Magnetic Interlock is 324782398479578393.
  • Picard's voice authorization code was "Picard-4-7-Alpha-Tango".
  • 747 and 2347 on warp field generator image (above)


  • The LCARS control panel that Picard uses to call up the lyrics to A British Tar has a button labeled 47 at the far right.
    (This panel appears in many TNG, DS9, and VOY episodes. It is recognizable by the sequence of numbers, from top to bottom: 51, 47, 88, 3, 69, 40, 77.)


  • The scan which compared Picard's and Shinzon's DNA, is labeled "DNA Comparison Scan 02947".
  • A text message from Picard to Troi during the battle with the Scimitar contained the string "Auto Confirmation 47 7654 7839". (Image at top of article)

STR:Into Darkness[]

  • While Kirk is flying towards the Vengeance in a thruster suit, Sulu contacts him saying, "Captain, you need to adjust your target destination to 183 by 473 degrees."


This section is for listing instances of 4s and 7s separated, but seen, or heard, together. This also includes references where one of the 'numbers' is a letter or if one of the numbers is inferred by the amount of the other. This includes:

  • Four 7s or seven 4s
  • D7 and 4G
  • 4s and 7s in the same text or dialogue exchange

SEP: The Next Generation[]


  • Episode 10 : "New Ground" :
    • Riker: "We need to evacuate sections 24 to 37, decks 35 to 38."
  • Episode 18 : "Cause And Effect" :
    • During the crew's poker game, the numbers 4 and 7 appear frequently.
    • The close up of Data's console reveals the number 48776
  • Episode 24 : "The Next Phase" :
    • A wall panel in Main Engineering is labeled 48271.


  • Episode 4 : "Relics" :
    • 4 and 7 apear on the Jenolan's transporter console several times.
  • Episode 26 : "Descent" :
    • According to Albert Einstein, Stephen Hawking increased Data's bet by 4. He then wrongly says that this means he must play 7 to call. Stephen Hawking's winning hand contains four 7s.


  • Episode 9 : "Force of Nature" :
    • Geordi La Forge tells the computer to display and enhance grid Delta (4th letter of the Greek/Phonetic alphabet) seventeen.

SEP: Deep Space Nine[]



  • Episode 14 : "Whispers" :
    • O'Brien asks the computer how much of a lead he has on the Mekong. The computer replies "7 minutes 4 seconds."
    • O'Brien asks the computer which planet is the largest in the Parada system. The computer responds "Parada 4". When O'Brien asks how many moons the planet has the computer replies "7".
  • Episode 20 : "The Maquis, Part I" :
    • Quarters have been arranged on deck 7 in section 4 G – G being the 7th letter of the alphabet
  • Episode 21 : "The Maquis, Part II" :
    • When Gul Dukat gives the freighter ship fifteen seconds to lower its shields he begins to count down starting with "15...10..." but then changing from five second intervals instead counting "7...4..."


  • Episode 23 : "Family Business" :
    • When Sisko is about to go to a cargo bay, O'Brien mistakenly assumes and says he's going to cargo bay 4. Sisko corrects him and says he's going to bay 7.


  • Episode 11 : "Homefront" :
    • The Federation President uses a datapad on which many numbers begin with 4 and end with 7 (Image).


  • Episode 6 : "Sacrifice of Angels" :
    • A voice tells the Dominion forces to evacuate Terok Nor via airlocks 4, 7, and 12.


  • Episode 24 : "The Dogs of War" :
    • Brunt offers Quark 40 bricks of latinum, to which Quark claims 70 would do.

SEP: Voyager[]



  • Episode 5 : "Non Sequitur" :
    • Kim lives in flat 4G - G being the 7th letter of the alphabet. [1]
  • Episode 11: "Maneuvers" :
    • Seska orders Culluh to deploy photonic charges at coordinates 124 by 217.


  • Episode 14 : "Alter Ego" :
    • As Torres tries to enter the holodeck after the briefing, the numbers 34 and xx7 (not sure what the x's are) appear on top of each other, making a "47" vertically.


  • Episode 7 : "Scientific Method" :
    • As the ship passes through the pulsars, there are hull breaches on decks 4, 7, 8, and 12.

SEP: Enterprise[]



  • Episode 23 : "Regeneration" :
    • The schematic of the modified Arctic One features the number "10377-45" twice.
    • The number "04-927" can be seen on several display screens aboard Enterprise.
    • The number 35748 is featured twice on a medical report PADD used by the researchers.


  • Episode 1 : "The Xindi" :
    • Hoshi tells T'Pol the three alien cargo vessels are at "warp 4, ETA 7 minutes".


  • Episode 20 : "Demons" :
    • Trip is invited to a Terra Prime meeting at level 7 junction 4.


This section is for listing mathematical 47s. This means that the 47 is the product of a mathematical equation from numbers seen or spoken on screen. The reference should include the full text/dialog. This would include:

    1+1+1+1=(4)7=47 (from the image at the top of the article, first line)

M: The Next Generation[]


  • Episode 5 : "Remember Me":
    • The computer claims that the universe is a spheroid region, 705 meters in diameter. La Forge later says that it is collapsing at a rate of 15 meters per second.
      705 ÷ 15 = 47 seconds.


  • Episode 5 : "Gambit, Part II":
    • Picard orders to set the course for Starbase 227.
      2 + 2 = 4 and 7 = 47.

M: Deep Space Nine[]



  • Episode 12 : "Who Mourns for Morn?" :
    • Morn has a brick of gold-pressed latinum in storage locker 137.
      1 + 3 = 4 and 7 = 47.


  • Episode 8 : "The Siege of AR-558" :
    • Kira says there are 1730 new casualties posted.
      17 + 30 = 47.
    • Larkin says there are 43 personnel at AR-558. Later, the 4 Starfleet members of Sisko's away team join them.
      43 + 4 = 47.
  • Episode 15 : "Field of Fire" :
    • Including Chu'lak, there are 48 Vulcans serving on Deep Space 9.
      48 − 1 = 47.
  • Episode 23 : "Extreme Measures" :
    • Bashir is reading a book at page 294.
      4 and 9 − 2 = 7 (or 94 ÷ 2 = 47).

M: Voyager[]


  • Episode 2 : "Non Sequitur" :
    • The stardate is 49011 (49 − (1 + 1) = 47)


  • Episode 22 : "Someone to Watch Over Me" :
    • The crew complement of Voyager is 146 (4 and 1 + 6 = 47)
  • Episode 25 : "Warhead" :
    • The confirmation code to disarm the warhead is 443 Vector 39121 (4 and 4 + 3 = 47)


  • Episode 7 : "Dragon's Teeth" :
    • As the ship is heading to the planet to escape the Turei attack, Tuvok announces "shields at 53%," indicating a 47% loss.

M: Enterprise[]


M: Films[]


  • From Picard's text message to Troi: "TEXT MSG SENT: STN 01-001 RECEIVED: STN 01-017/ENCRYPTED"
    1 + 1 + 1 + 1 = 4 and 7 = 47 (from the image at the top of the article, first line).


This section is for everything else.

P: Voyager[]


  • Episode 25 :
    • Seven of Nine instructs the replicator to make Nutritional Supplement 14 Beta 7 (VOY: "One")
  • Episode 26 : "Hope and Fear" :
    • We learn that Janeway was born and raised in Bloomington, Indiana – Bloomington's zip code is 47401.