Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha

This is a page to discuss the suggestion to restore "M43 Alpha system".

  • If you are suggesting a page for restoration, add your initial rationale to the section "Restoration rationale".
  • If you want to discuss this suggestion, add comments to the section "Discussion".
  • If a consensus has been reached, an administrator will explain the final decision in the section "Admin resolution".

In all cases, please make sure to read and understand the restoration policy before editing this page.

Restoration rationale[]

I discovered this while resolving the Sigma Iotia system restoration. The rational for deletion seems to be that the name was the problem, and we didn't have an unnamed star systems page back in 2006. Since we have one now, it might be worth taking another look at this. - Archduk3 19:31, February 20, 2014 (UTC)


Admin resolution[]
