Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha

"Your logic is flawed."
Tuvok, 2376 ("Live Fast and Prosper")

Mobar was an alien con artist who impersonated Starfleet Lieutenant Commander Tuvok as part of a scam performed in conjunction with his partners Dala and Zar in 2376.

During this deception, Mobar and his partners were able to move from system to system offering services for different goods from various alien species, but not delivering what they promised. Eventually, the USS Voyager caught up with the three and captured them, returning everything they had stolen.

Mobar took quite a liking to Tuvok and his Vulcan mannerisms – going so far as to remain in character even when just among his fellow con artists – and felt privileged when he met the real Tuvok. When faced with a stand-off of drawn phasers with Tuvok, Mobar commented that "logic would indicate" that neither of them had an advantage over the other. Tuvok, unamused by Mobar's sendup of Vulcan behavior, promptly blinded him with the beam of a SIMs beacon and phasered him. (VOY: "Live Fast and Prosper")

Mobar was played by Gregg Daniel. The costume worn by Daniel as Mobar was auctioned off in the It's A Wrap! sale and auction. [1](X)

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