Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha
P'Jem monastery

The Vulcan monastery at P'Jem

Boreth, 2369

The Klingon monastery on Boreth

Bajoran monastery garden

A Bajoran monastery garden

A monastery was a religious retreat, usually isolated, and normally home to monastic groups devoted to the ideals of their order. Monasteries were prevalent throughout the races of the Alpha and Beta Quadrants, particularly among those species with more spiritual societies.

In June 2151, Captain Jonathan Archer claimed that the oldest monastery that he ever visited was in Ngari, Tibet on Earth. It was significantly smaller than the Vulcan P'Jem monastery. (ENT: "The Andorian Incident")

According to Michael and Denise Okuda this monastery should depict the Tholing Monastery, a center for Buddhism established in the 10th century by Yoshi-O, leader of the Guge Kingdom. ("The Andorian Incident", text commentary, ENT Season 1 DVD special feature)

While visiting Earth during the mid-22nd century, Doctor Phlox attempted to familiarize himself with many of the planet's religions including Buddhism, which he accomplished by spending two weeks at a Tibetan monastery where he learned to sing chords with the high lamas. (ENT: "Cold Front")

The Vulcan monastery at P'Jem on an unnamed planet near the Andorian system was already a thousand years old by the 22nd century and was still used by Vulcan monks prior to its destruction by the Andorians in 2151. (ENT: "The Andorian Incident", "Shadows of P'Jem")

The Klingon Followers of Kahless built a monastery on Boreth inspired by The Story of the Promise. At L'Rell's request, Ash Tyler left the son she and Voq had conceived at the monastery in 2257 to be raised by the monks. Worf and other Klingons visited the monastery on occasion to explore their faith. (DIS: "Point of Light", TNG: "Rightful Heir", DS9: "The Way of the Warrior")

Bajor, with its highly religious people, was home to several monasteries, including the Monastery of the Kai and the Dakeen Monastery. (DS9: "In the Hands of the Prophets", "The Collaborator")

In 2373, Odo once claimed that Risa made the Trill Hoobishan Baths look like a monastery. (DS9: "Let He Who Is Without Sin...")

Later that year, when Tom Paris asked Kes about his future, Chakotay joked that he may learn he'd left USS Voyager and joined a monastery. (VOY: "Before and After")

In 2376, Tom Paris threatened to send The Doctor's character in the Fair Haven holoprogram, Father Mulligan, to a nearby monastery with a vow of silence. (VOY: "Fair Haven")

List of monasteries[]


In the February 1995 DC Comic "The Bajoran and the Beast", William T. Riker and Ro Laren travel to an ancient monastery on a planet in the Altair system to return "memory bubbles."

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