Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha
Rillak welcomes delegates to Federation HQ

President Rillak addresses the Assembly

The Multilateral DMA Strategy Assembly was a Federation diplomatic conference held by the United Federation of Planets in 3190 at Federation Headquarters in aftermath of the destruction of Kwejian and Radvek V. The assembly had ambassadors, delegates, and representatives from planets from all four quadrants such as Earth. The attendees came from both Federation and former Federation worlds, including Ni'Var. (DIS: "Kobayashi Maru", "The Examples", "...But to Connect")

The purpose of the assembly was to discuss the Dark Matter Anomaly, how to stop it, and how to respond to its creators, Species 10-C. Several of the delegates such as General Ndoye of the United Earth Defense Force and the Orions believed they should attack Species 10-C, but President T'Rina of Ni'Var believed they should establish contact with them. Provost Sta'Kiar and the USS Discovery's Captain Michael Burnham believed they should attempt a peaceful first contact with Species 10-C in accordance with the Federation and Starfleet's Prime Directive.

During the assembly, Federation scientist Doctor Ruon Tarka of Risa proposed designing an isolytic weapon that could destroy the DMA. However, Burnham and Federation President Laira Rillak knew that it would be dangerous and lead to isolytic weapons being banned in accordance the Second Khitomer Accords due to their unpredictable nature. Tarka and Cleveland Booker were able to convince several of the delegates to support their plan. However, Burnham and Rillak were able to convince the delegates to choose to open negotiations with Species 10-C. (DIS: "...But to Connect" )

Despite the majority being against their plan, Tarka stole the prototype spore drive and convinced Booker to help him deploy the weapon themselves. (DIS: "...But to Connect", "All In")

The assembly continued to meet in 3191, despite the end of the DMA crisis. (DIS: "Jinaal")

