A museum was a type of establishment, found in many cultures, devoted to the educational interpretation and display of objects having historical, scientific, and/or artistic value. Notable ships were, on occasion, turned into museums known as museum ships.
After being looted by the Hur'q, the Sword of Kahless ended up in the central museum of a Gamma Quadrant world. (DS9: "The Sword of Kahless")
In 1986, the Cetacean Institute in San Francisco was the only museum on Earth exclusively devoted to whales. (Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home)
In 2152, the Paraagan mining colony on Paraagan II had a museum. (ENT: "Shockwave")
A.G. Robinson thought an escape pod he had used to eject from NX-Alpha "should make a nice addition to the Starfleet Museum." (ENT: "First Flight")
In 2268, the Cultural Museum on Ekos accepted humanoid specimens for display. (TOS: "Patterns of Force")
In 2269, after losing the Slaver weapon, Hikaru Sulu lamented that it would have looked nice in some museum, prompting Spock to opine that it never would have reached the museum, as someone else would undoubtedly have seized it first. (TAS: "The Slaver Weapon")
A small number of jevonite artifacts from the burial vaults of the First Hebitian civilization were preserved in museums after they were discovered in the 22nd century. However, by the late 24th century, they had been sold to pay for the Cardassian war effort. (TNG: "Chain Of Command, Part II")
James T. Kirk and Hikaru Sulu both (but independently) once saw a mid-20th century computer demonstrated in a museum. Montgomery Scott claimed to have seen drawings of some of the ships captured in the Delta Triangle in museums. (TOS: "Tomorrow is Yesterday"; TAS: "The Time Trap")
A fragment of the Stone of Gol was housed in a Vulcan museum, until it was stolen in 2369. (TNG: "Gambit, Part II")
In the same year, Quark's cousin Kono was wanted on Cardassia V for stealing bone-carvings from a museum. (DS9: "Shadowplay")
Also in 2370, because of the atmospheric dissipation on Boraal II and his inability to save its inhabitants because of the Prime Directive, Nikolai Rozhenko complained that the only way he would be allowed to preserve Boraalan culture was in a museum. (TNG: "Homeward")
In 2371, a band of Nausicaan raiders broke into the central museum on Remmil VI. (DS9: "Change of Heart")
There were multiple natural history museums showcasing the history of life on Earth. (VOY: "Distant Origin")
In the late 24th century, the museums on Norcadia Prime were considered amongst the finest in their sector. (VOY: "Tsunkatse")
Sometimes to indicate age and rarity of an object, it was said that the object belonged in a museum or that it was a museum piece. Such was the case when a primitive microscope was discovered on Miri. (TOS: "Miri") After discovering a Promellian battle cruiser in 2366, Jean-Luc Picard also claimed it belonged in a museum. (TNG: "Booby Trap")
- Astral V Annex
- Bajoran State Museum
- Central Museum of Remmil VI
- Cetacean Institute
- Fleet Museum
- Fort Knox
- Griffith Observatory
- Hur'q Central Museum
- Metropolitan
- Movieland Wax Museum
- Museum of Antiquities
- Museum of Kyrian Heritage
- Norcadian Museum of Entomology
- Royal Museum of Epsilon Hydra VII
- Smithsonian Air and Space Museum
- Starfleet Museum
- Starfleet Archive Museum
In the first draft script of TNG: "The Battle", Riker mused about the fate of the USS Stargazer, "Perhaps after Starfleet gives her the once-over, it might be donated to a space museum. What else can you do with a legend like the Stargazer?"
When describing the state of the USS Defiant in the early 2400s of an alternate timeline depicted in DS9: "The Visitor", that episode's script noted that the ship's "dedication plaque is probably gone... an exhibit in a museum somewhere."