Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha

The NCC-1279 type was a singular mock Federation starship class constructed from a collection of Federation tech and salvaged parts, all of which had been acquired through various means, by an extremist group called the "Broken Circle" following the end of Federation-Klingon War as part of a false flag operation. (SNW: "The Broken Circle")


This vessel was constructed underground, in a dilithium mine, on the planet Cajitar IV. (SNW: "The Broken Circle")

Technical data[]

NCC-1279 sickbay

Sickbay aboard the NCC-1279

The design had at least fourteen decks, with deck 13 being the location of a transponder. It also contained a bridge, main engineering, and sickbay.

The ship could be manned with a crew of thirty soldiers, and was armed with phasers and photon torpedoes.

Tentatively identified visually as a Crossfield-class Federation starship, by USS Enterprise's navigator, Jenna Mitchell, the NCC-1279 possessed the same primary hull as the identified class. According to its transponder, it was identified as the "Federation ship NCC-1279" on the Enterprise's sensors. (SNW: "The Broken Circle")

Ships commissioned[]

Name Registry Notes Status Date
NCC-1279 False Federation ship Destroyed 2259
Name Registry Notes Status Date
Unnamed Docked at Starbase 1 Active 2259

Background information[]

NCC-1279 Wireframe

A wireframe model of the NCC-1279

The NCC-1279 type was a CGI kitbash. It utilizes the primary hull of the Crossfield-class, the impulse engines of the NX-class, the nacelles and modified pylons of the Constitution-class, and a main navigation deflector section similar to that of the Pioneer-class in a Miranda-class style configuration.

A CGI wireframe model of the vessel was posted on Twitter by Timothy Peel. The CGI model ship was created by Star Trek: Strange New Worlds VFX Art Director, William Cheng. [1]

NCC-1279 type

A foreshadowed appearance

In an apparent production error, another ship of this type appeared prior to the revelation that the fake and apparently unique ship was first realized. The ship was inserted in the shot upside-down, with the last four digits of the registry are somewhat legible on the nearest nacelle, albeit in an upturned orientation.

This vessel is identified as a "False Federation Crossfield-class starship" on [2]
