List of Klingon personnel on Narendra III.
Colonists []

Klingons on the colony of Narendra III
These colonists on Narendra III in 2152. (ENT: "Judgment")
Guard []

A Klingon guard on Narendra III
This guard guarded Jonathan Archer during his trial for crimes against the Klingon Empire in 2152. When Phlox visited Archer in prison, he said that Archer might have a contagious disease. This caused the guard to leave the cell, and Phlox was able to tell Archer that a plan was in the works to free him. (ENT: "Judgment")
The cell guard was played by D.J. Lockhart.
Magistrate []

Klingon magistrate
In 2152, this magistrate presided over the trial of Captain Jonathan Archer on Narendra III. The Magistrate also commuted the death sentence to life on Rura Penthe. When Archer's advocate Kolos protested, the Magistrate sentenced him to a year on Rura Penthe as well. (ENT: "Judgment")
The magistrate was played by Granville Van Dusen.
Spectators []

Klingons at Archer's trial
These spectators attended the trial of Jonathan Archer when he was charged by a Klingon tribunal for helping rebels try to escape the Empire.(ENT: "Judgment")
The Klingons were played by unknown actors.