Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha


A Nasari ship

The Nasari were a warp-capable race from the Delta Quadrant.

Physically, they were humanoid with blue skin and prominent tissue on their faces.

Their ships were relatively powerful and patrolled Nasari space. They attacked without warning any ship carrying a Taresian or a person who was in the process of becoming Taresian. This was due to the nature of the Taresian mating process; males of other species were infected by a retrovirus and proceeded to become Taresian so the women could kill them. However, the Nasari were relatively friendly toward other races outside of this conflict.

They were encountered by the USS Voyager in 2373 as Ensign Harry Kim was becoming Taresian. A battle ensued with the ship, called the Nerada, and Voyager escaped to Taresia.

As Voyager left Taresia, having rescued Ensign Kim from the Taresians, the Nasari were distracted by the presence of a Taresian starship. (VOY: "Favorite Son")

