Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha

Lieutenant Neeley was a Starfleet security officer in the 24th century.

In 2374, when the captured Jem'Hadar attack ship crash-landed on an uncharted planet located within a dark-matter nebula, Neeley helped to fight against a crew of Jem'Hadar also stranded on the planet. She was later ordered by Sisko to form a burial detail, before being rescued by the IKS Rotarran. (DS9: "Rocks and Shoals")

Neeley was played by guest actress Sarah MacDonnell. She first appeared on the surface of the planet. Previously, an unknown actress appeared in this episode and the previous one, DS9: "A Time to Stand", aboard the ship.

According to the script her first name was Lisa. Her first name is also given as Lisa in the Star Trek Encyclopedia, 3rd ed., p. ?

The character also appears in the Deep Space Nine relaunch novels Warpath and Fearful Symmetry.

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