Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin walking to the launchpad for the Apollo 11 mission.
Neil Armstrong was a 20th century American astronaut. He was a member of NASA's Apollo program. In July 1969, he was the commander of Apollo 11.
On July 20, 1969, he successfully landed the Apollo 11 lunar module onto Luna's surface and, on the following day, became the first Human to set foot on its surface.
In late 2000, Shannon O'Donnel experienced a dream containing an image of Aldrin on the moon and the voice of Armstrong. (VOY: "11:59"; PIC: "Two of One")
In 2143, Jonathan Archer commented that no one knew what Buzz Aldrin said when he set foot on the moon, because Armstrong did so first. (ENT: "First Flight")
After learning from T'Pol that the Vulcan First Contact with Humans took place in Carbon Creek, Pennsylvania, in 1957, the astonished Charles Tucker noted that she just rewrote Earth's history books. He further stated that it was "like finding out Neil Armstrong wasn't the first man to walk on the moon," to which T'Pol implied that maybe he wasn't. (ENT: "Carbon Creek")
Prior to performing the warp 10 flight, Kathryn Janeway told Tom Paris he would be joining such an elite group of pilots including Orville Wright, Zefram Cochrane, and Neil Armstrong. (VOY: "Threshold")
Lake Armstrong, Armstrong City, and the Federation starship USS Armstrong were all named for Neil Armstrong. (Star Trek: First Contact; DS9: "Apocalypse Rising")
In 2376, Commander Chakotay remarked that Armstrong, along with fellow astronauts John Kelly, Rose Kumagawa, and John Glenn were Earth's true space pioneers. (VOY: "One Small Step")

What could be a mirror universe version of Armstrong, an unidentified Terran Empire astronaut planting an Imperial flag on the moon.
According to the Star Trek Encyclopedia, 4th ed., vol. 1, p. 45, the birth and death years of Neil Armstrong were 1930 and 2012, respectively.
Stock footage of Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin walking to the launchpad for the Apollo 11 mission appeared in the main title sequence of Star Trek: Enterprise. (Star Trek Encyclopedia, 4th ed., vol. 1, p. 16)
- Armstrong
- USS Neil Armstrong
- USS Armstrong ships:
- Armstrong City
- Lake Armstrong
External links[]
- Neil Armstrong at Wikipedia
- Neil Armstrong at Memory Beta, the wiki for licensed Star Trek works