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Memory Alpha

Crewman Nelson was an engineer within the operations division aboard the USS Enterprise-D during the 2360s.

Service history[]


Nelson walked past Captain Picard and Counselor Troi in a corridor after the remains of Ira Graves were sent into space. (TNG: "The Schizoid Man")

He was on duty in shuttlebay 2 when the Enterprise-D brought a duplicate of the shuttle El-Baz aboard. (TNG: "Time Squared")

He passed Deanna Troi and her mother Lwaxana in a corridor when the two were arguing about Lwaxana's love interest in Captain Picard. (TNG: "Manhunt")


He was on duty in main engineering when a Koinonian manipulated the systems and brought the transporter room 3 back on line, and later when Geordi La Forge tried to get the Enterprise-D out of the Menthar booby trap. (TNG: "The Bonding", "Booby Trap")

Off duty he visited Ten Forward and had a drink with a fellow crewmember while the Enterprise-D transported Sovereign Marouk and the Gatherer Brull to the Gatherer leader Chorgan. (TNG: "The Vengeance Factor")

He was working in engineering when the Enterprise-D beamed Romulan Admiral Alidar Jarok aboard and when the ship entered the Romulan Neutral Zone. (TNG: "The Defector")

Nelson served in main engineering when the Angosian soldier Roga Danar overwhelmed the engineering personnel. He was knocked out by Danar and found by Worf, lying on the main engineering table. (TNG: "The Hunted")

Nelson, alternate timeline 2366

Nelson in an alternate timeline

He was on duty in main engineering when two Ansata terrorists beamed on board the Enterprise-D in 2366. He saw that one of the terrorists shot at another engineer and escaped through a side door after the terrorist shot at him but failed him. (TNG: "The High Ground")

He was also working in main engineering when the crew tried to correct the orbit of the Bre'el IV moon and had to face the Calamarain. (TNG: "Deja Q")

Off duty, Nelson visited Ten Forward. In the following alternate timeline, he was part of the Enterprise-D crew evacuated from main engineering shortly before a warp core breach destroyed the ship. (TNG: "Yesterday's Enterprise")

He had a conversation with a fellow officer in Ten Forward when Data introduced Lal to Guinan. (TNG: "The Offspring")

Together with a male civilian he had a drink in Ten Forward when Worf named Kurn his cha'DIch. (TNG: "Sins of The Father")

Nelson repaired an aft station on the bridge following the ships first encounter with Gomtuu and was on duty in main engineering when the ship experienced malfunctions due to an invidium contamination. (TNG: "Tin Man", "Hollow Pursuits")

He was working in engineering when La Forge found evidence that Data's destruction wasn't an accident. (TNG: "The Most Toys")

He was also working on the pool for the Legarans and passed Commander Riker and ambassador Sarek in a corridor and was again working in main engineering when Data congratulated Wesley for his fine Academy tests. (TNG: "Sarek", "Ménage à Troi")

He was working on the shuttlecraft El-Baz in the shuttlebay when the Zalkonian "John Doe" tried to steal a shuttle and killed Worf and was one of the engineering staff who were present during Lieutenant Commander Elizabeth Shelby's briefing in main engineering shortly before the Enterprise-D faced the Borg for a second time. (TNG: "Transfigurations", "The Best of Both Worlds")


Nelson worked with Shelby and Geordi La Forge in engineering following the abduction of Captain Picard. (TNG: "The Best of Both Worlds, Part II")

He was working in main engineering while docked at McKinley Station and when Sergey and Helena Rozhenko had a tour through this section and when Data took over the control of the Enterprise-D to meet his creator Doctor Noonien Soong. (TNG: "Family", "Brothers")

He was working in main engineering when Geordi La Forge responded to a call from Commander Riker who faced three Talarian warships (TNG: "Suddenly Human"), when Wesley Crusher's experiment of a warp bubble embedded Doctor Beverly Crusher and when Commander Riker, Data, Worf, La Forge, and Ishara Yar discussed plans to infiltrate the Alliance territory on Turkana IV. (TNG: "Remember Me", "Legacy")

He was on duty when Lt. Cmdr. La Forge and Data reported their analysis of the explosion aboard K'mpec's attack cruiser to Commander Riker. (TNG: "Reunion")

Off duty he visited Ten Forward when Commander Riker cut his birthday cake and was called to the bridge by Captain Picard. (TNG: "Future Imperfect") He reported to a fellow officer in the main shuttlebay while the mining shuttle Nenebek was aboard. (TNG: "Final Mission")

In 2367, Captain Picard requested that Data assist Nelson run a sensor diagnostic in engineering. Later, La Forge requested Nelson's assistance doing computer analysis. (TNG: "Clues")

He was also on duty in engineering when Data and La Forge tried to find a way out of the binary star system and when Data modified a beacon to cover ultraviolet light. (TNG: "Night Terrors", "Identity Crisis")

He was one of the engineers on duty in main engineering during the confrontation with the Cytherian probe near the Argus Array. (TNG: "The Nth Degree")

Nelson attended the banquet in Ten Forward held for the members of the Federation Archaeology Council. (TNG: "Qpid")

He was one of the engineers on duty in main engineering following an emergency shutdown due to an explosion of the dilithium chamber hatch. He was working when Admiral Norah Satie inspected the place. (TNG: "The Drumhead")

He was also on duty in engineering when Data and La Forge worked closely with Kaelon scientist Doctor Timicin. (TNG: "Half a Life")

Nelson, 2368

Nelson in Ten Forward

Nelson had a drink in Ten Forward with Alfonse Pacelli and fellow crewmembers when Beverly Crusher talked with Deanna Troi about her feelings for Odan. Later, he was treated in sickbay by Martinez while he was on a biobed at the same time Crusher treated William T. Riker who served as host for Odan. (TNG: "The Host")

He was one of the engineers of the forensic team who examined the cargo unit of weapons shortly before the assassination try on Governor Vagh. (TNG: "The Mind's Eye")

He was working in main engineering when Captain Picard guided the Enterprise-D out of the Mar Oscura Nebula aboard the shuttlepod Voltaire. (TNG: "In Theory")

Nelson was one of the crewmembers standing in a corridor and bid farewell to Worf who left the ship to fight in the Klingon Civil War. (TNG: "Redemption")


In early 2368 Nelson had a drink in Ten Forward when Counselor Troi and Doctor Crusher tried to built up a conversation with Ensign Ro Laren. (TNG: "Ensign Ro")

Nelson was on duty in main engineering when Commander Riker brought the Ktarian game aboard the ship and the crew became addicted to it. (TNG: "The Game")

He was part of the engineering team which examined the wreck pieces in the cargo bay. (TNG: "Unification I")

Nelson was also on duty in main engineering when the Enterprise-D assisted the colony on Penthara IV while being observed by Berlinghoff Rasmussen (TNG: "A Matter Of Time") and when the Enterprise-D assisted Dr. Ja'Dar in testing his new soliton wave. (TNG: "New Ground")

Nelson cooling down the dilithium chamber

Nelson cooling down the dilithium chamber.

He was working in engineering when the Enterprise-D discovered the SS Vico wrecked in a black cluster. (TNG: "Hero Worship")

Nelson was part of Commander Riker's "mental rape" by the Ullian Jev. In this scenario he was one of the engineers who were evacuated from engineering except Ensign Keller. (TNG: "Violations")

He was again on duty in main engineering when the Enterprise-D approached the Lysian Central Command. (TNG: "Conundrum")

Nelson was working on an aft station of the bridge when the Enterprise-D approached the USS Denver to help the wounded crewmembers and colonists. (TNG: "Ethics")

He was on duty in the shuttlebay when Commander Riker and the J'naii Soren inspected the shuttlecraft Magellan. (TNG: "The Outcast")

Nelson was working in main engineering when the Enterprise-D was trapped in a temporal distortion and was destroyed due to a collision with the USS Bozeman and when the ship was in orbit of Earth and Captain Picard and Dr. Crusher attended the inquiry regarding Wesley Crusher at the Starfleet Academy. (TNG: "Cause And Effect", "The First Duty")

He was working in engineering when a nitrium parasite destroyed the dilithium crystal chamber and tried to cool down the systems. (TNG: "Cost Of Living")

He was chatting with a woman in Ten Forward when the empathic metamorph Kamala met the alien miners at the bar. (TNG: "The Perfect Mate")

Nelson was again on duty in main engineering when the Enterprise-D went into the FGC-47 nebula and made contact with the local lifeform and shortly before the Borg drone Hugh was beamed aboard. (TNG: "Imaginary Friend", "I Borg")

He was one of the engineers who were transported with a shuttle back from the Romulan science ship. The phased Romulan Parem was also on board of this shuttle. Later, Nelson was working in engineering when Lieutenant Commander Data neutralized anyon energy patterns. (TNG: "The Next Phase")


Background information[]

Crewman Nelson was portrayed by recurring background actor Rachen Assapiomonwait. He was named by Captain Picard and Geordi La Forge in the fourth season episode "Clues".

According to an early version of the call sheet dated on 29 November 1990 for the episode "Clues", fellow background actor Mark Kosakura was originally scheduled to portray Nelson. Due to revisions, Assapiomonwait replaced him.

