New Axton was an inhabited planet with two moons. It was a center for black market and other disreputable trades; according to Shaxs, it was "twice as lawless as Old Axton, without any of the charm." The inhabitants tended to be sensitive about what they perceived as condescension from the Federation.
Despite its unsavory reputation, activities on and around New Axton were tightly regulated. The world was surrounded by a planetary shield. Unauthorized starships were barred from remaining in orbit, allegedly due to their effect on the thermosphere, and were instead required to park near the second moon. Travel to and from the surface was provided by a moon shuttle that ran every three hours; transporter usage was not permitted.
In 2381, the USS Cerritos visited New Axton in search of Nick Locarno, an expelled Starfleet Academy cadet known to operate out of the capital city. Knowing the local attitude towards Starfleet, Captain Carol Freeman took an away team down in full uniform, where they provoked an information broker into selling data on Locarno's whereabouts to anyone other than Starfleet. The information was then purchased by a bounty hunter, who was in fact Lieutenant Commander Andy Billups in disguise.
The away team arrived at Locarno's hangar to find him long gone. Lieutenant jg Sam Rutherford discovered blueprints for an unknown vessel responsible for a series of starship thefts, revealing Locarno to be the culprit. (LD: "The Inner Fight")
- New Axton inhabitants