A nit was the egg of a louse, a parasitic insect that lived on the skin of mammals and birds.The term "picking nits" or "nitpicking" was commonly used by Humans to describe meticulously searching for and criticizing trivial errors in detail.
In 2365, Ensign Wesley Crusher was concerned that he was "picking nits" when he thought that Ensign Davies should have run an ico-spectrogram on the survey results on Drema IV. (TNG: "Pen Pals")
In 2369, after Minister Toran asked a number of persnickety questions relating to the preparations for the Jeraddo energy transfer project, he apologized to Major Kira, asking her to forgive his "bureaucratic nit-picking". (DS9: "Progress")
See also[]
External links[]
- Nit at Wikipedia
- Nitpicking at Wikipedia