Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha
Real world article
(written from a Production point of view)
MA LD delta
This page contains information regarding Star Trek: Lower Decks, and thus may contain spoilers.

The USS Cerritos encounters a familiar enemy. Tendi helps a struggling recruit find her footing.



"The Cerritos is in orbit around Beta III. Back in the day, these guys worshiped a violent god called Landru, who suppressed their creativity and made them kill each other until Kirk figured out it was actually a computer. Get this. At some point, these knuckleheads went back to worshiping Landru. Captain Freeman has been setting them straight all morning."

On Beta III, Carol Freeman is scolding the natives for regressing back to worshipping Landru as a god. The natives say that he's very persuasive. Landru attempts to convince the natives to kill Commander Jack Ransom and Freeman, but is talked down by Freeman, who threatens to destroy him with a paradox. Freeman offers a few final words to the natives before she and Ransom are beamed back to the USS Cerritos. As they transport away, one of the natives expresses how he enjoyed killing people during the red hour and that he will keep doing it, but another native talks him out of it, despite his complaint that he bought a new scythe for the occasion.

Back on the Cerritos, Freeman is a bit exasperated with what just happened, and Ransom notes that it is weird when they have to revisit planets from what he calls the "TOS" era ("those old scientists"). Freeman and Ransom head to the bridge, and Freeman expresses frustration that they should visit civilizations they've discovered again before they get into trouble with themselves, but Ransom notes that they'd need explicit orders from Starfleet to avoid breaking the Prime Directive. They arrive on the bridge, and Freeman orders a course to be set for Starbase 77, but the conn officer informs her that there are still crew on the surface of the planet. Freeman seems confused as she didn't authorize anyone to leave the Cerritos to visit the planet.

Boimler teasing Mariner

Boimler teasing Mariner about being the captain's daughter

On Beta III, Ensign Beckett Mariner is distributing free art supplies to the children of the planet, and is joined by Ensign Brad Boimler. She is surprised when he starts helping her give out the supplies when she originally thought he'd be lecturing her about protocol, but Boimler simply says that he doesn't just want to stick to the rules all the time. As they talk, Ransom hails Boimler on his combadge, but as Boimler's uniform is off, he cannot hear the hail and does not realize that the entire conversation between him and Mariner is being overheard on the Cerritos bridge. Mariner asks what helped motivate Boimler to do a little rule-breaking with her, and Boimler says that he's found out that Freeman is in fact Mariner's mother. When he says this, she immediately denies it, but Boimler goes on to say that he's found out that not only is Freeman her mother, but that her dad is an admiral, and he finds it really cool. Mariner angrily tells him to shut up, but Boimler just notes how this is a good thing, since they'll both be able to do a little rule-breaking and all she has to do is keep them out of trouble with Freeman. Boimler also can't help but wonder why the relationship was kept a secret, and Mariner tells him angrily that she doesn't want people to know. Boimler finally agrees that he won't tell anyone, and teasingly asks if her mother gives her "sweet little captain kisses", as Freeman, who has overheard the entire conversation, beams them directly to the bridge, much to Boimler's horror.

Act One

In the Kalla system, the USS Solvang is in the middle of a plasma ring scan of a star. Captain Dayton is reminiscent about her old ship, the USS Rubidoux, but admits that she loves her new command with the Solvang, hoping to keep the ship as pristine as possible. Without warning, a mysterious ship drops out of warp and immediately opens fire on the Solvang, and Dayton orders a retreat. One of the bridge officers warns that shields have fallen below 10% when a grappling arm fires from the hostile ship and attaches itself to one of the warp nacelles of the Solvang, preventing it from escaping. At Dayton's command, the ship jumps to warp, but the grappling arm keeps the ship from a successful jump, and the nacelle rips off from the ship, causing a massive explosion. The Solvang is lost with all hands…

Peanut Hamper meets Tendi

Peanut Hamper meets Tendi

In the hangar of the Cerritos, Ensign D'Vana Tendi is excited that she has been appointed to be an orientation liaison to a new crewmember, while Ensign Sam Rutherford tries to adjust his cybernetic implant's attitude selector. The shuttle lands, as Rutherford discovers a new button. A group of ensigns disembark from the shuttle, including an exocomp, who expresses excitement at the sight of the hangar. Tendi excitedly runs over and the two introduce themselves to one another.

In her ready room, Freeman and Mariner are discussing the ramifications about the discovery of their relationship as mother and daughter, with Mariner preferring to have worked under the radar, and Freeman not wanting the crew to know that the most insubordinate officer was her daughter. Mariner expresses hope that they can still make things work, and cites how Wesley Crusher worked with his own mother and that perhaps the crew won't make a big deal of it. At that moment, Ransom enters the ready room with a list of candidates who might get promoted to the USS Sacramento and tries to flatter Mariner, much to the displeasure of both Freeman and Mariner.

File:Everyone knows Mariner is Freeman's daughter.jpg

Everyone now knows Mariner is Captain Freeman's daughter

Mariner leaves the ready room, annoyed as the crew around her whispers about the revelation, and she's approached by Steve Levy, a lieutenant prone to believing conspiracy theories, whom she had dated a year prior. He asks her to deliver some plans to Freeman about how they can decorate the captain's yacht and walks off. Another crewmember approaches Mariner and takes a selfie with her, much to Mariner's annoyance. Mariner accidentally bumps into Dr. T'Ana, who scolds her briefly before asking her if she thinks Freeman would mind if she and Shaxs started a relationship.

On the bridge, the conn officer notifies Freeman of a partial distress call that they've picked up from the Solvang in the Kalla system. Freeman jokingly wonders if Dayton is still getting used to her new ship since there aren't any known threats in the system. Ransom notes that the USS Titan is also in the area, but Freeman decides they will handle it.

In the lower decks crew quarters, Mariner is annoyed and frustrated with the newfound treatment she is getting from the crew. Chief Engineer Andy Billups approaches her and gives her some hand pies, which Mariner declines, much to Billups's disappointment. Boimler takes one as Billups leaves, and Mariner complains about how she won't be able to get away with a lot of her usual actions with everyone paying so much attention to her. Boimler asks her to sign a letter of recommendation for the Sacramento promotion. Mariner criticizes him for the decision, and Boimler notes how it would be a huge career boost for him. Mariner suddenly gets an idea that if she were promoted to the Sacramento, no one would know who she is, and wonders if she should apply. Boimler expresses doubt that she'd be able to get promoted due to her insubordinate behavior, and Mariner agrees, starting to straighten out her behavior. She rolls down her sleeves, addresses Boimler as "sir" (as he technically outranks her), and, doing up her hair in a nicer bun, walks off. Boimler believes no one will fall for her routine as Shaxs rushes up wanting to give her a present.

Peanut Hamper and Tendi

Peanut Hamper and Tendi

Tendi and the exocomp are walking down the corridor, touring the ship, and Tendi asks the exocomp what her name is. The exocomp, wanting a normal name, has named herself "Peanut Hamper" after analyzing the Federation languages and calculating a mathematically perfect name. Tendi expresses how much she loves the name as the two giddily skip down the hall together.

Ransom working out

Ransom working out while reviewing Mariner and Boimler's letters for the Sacramento promotion

Boimler and Mariner are headed to Ransom's quarters to submit their letters for the Sacramento promotion. In his quarters, Ransom is working out, and says that Boimler's record is spotless to the point of being freaky, but notes that Mariner is the captain's daughter and that he finds himself unable to choose between them.

In the repair bay, Rutherford is repairing a shuttlecraft as Tendi and Peanut Hamper enter. Peanut Hamper gets excited at the sight of nearby dilithium, but accidentally makes a mess, much to Tendi's dismay. Rutherford, who is still struggling with the implant's attitude selector, assures her that she'll do just fine with Tendi's supervision and that she shouldn't worry.

Peanut Hamper assisting T'Ana

Peanut Hamper assisting Dr. T'Ana

In sickbay, Tendi and Peanut Hamper are assisting T'Ana in a surgery which could result in their patient dying if they make even the smallest mistake. Tendi tries to tell T'Ana that Peanut Hamper might have trouble with the procedure when Peanut Hamper begins to effortlessly operate on the patient. T'Ana commends Peanut Hamper for the work, and Peanut Hamper admits that she downloaded all the journal articles published by T'Ana, learning a lot. Peanut Hamper begins to show T'Ana a new skin-grafting technique she's been working on, and Tendi appears to not be needed. One of the patients tries to console her that perhaps she could help him get back on his feet, but Tendi just seems very happy that Peanut Hamper is doing so well, and that as her orientation liaison, this is a good victory for her.

In the corridors, Boimler sees Mariner reading a Starfleet manual and accuses her of trying to cheat him out of a promotion. Mariner simply offers a rebuttal that he is always trying to get her to be more compliant with Starfleet protocol, says that they wouldn't be in this position if he hadn't let everyone know that Freeman was her mother, and says that he only has himself to blame for their current position.

Pakled ship attacking the Cerritos

The Cerritos under attack by the Pakleds

At that moment, the Cerritos drops out of warp and finds the debris field of the Solvang. Ransom orders a red alert, and Shaxs warns of a collision alert on multiple decks. Reading no life signs, they realize the entire crew has perished in the disaster, when a mechanical grappling arm attaches to a large section of the saucer of the Solvang, pulling it to a mysterious hostile vessel, integrating it into their vessel. The vessel's weapons power up and open fire on the Cerritos, and Freeman orders evasive maneuvers. She orders for a distress call to be sent out but is told that communications are being jammed, as a tractor beam locks onto the Cerritos, and two grappling arms latch onto the ship. Ransom orders for warp, but Freeman belays the order, believing that going to warp would result in the destruction of the ship. Warp power is shut down, and the Cerritos is pulled toward the massive ship, its port nacelle getting ripped off in the process.

Act Two

Adrift and with minimal power, the crew recovers from the crippling attack. Mariner and Boimler arrive to the bridge, and Mariner helps her mother up. As Billups restores auxiliary power, the Cerritos is hailed by the vessel. On-screen, a masked warrior, named Jackabog, laughs and taunts them, saying that he thought the Enterprise would be tougher in a fight. Freeman corrects him, saying they are not the Enterprise as he suspected, and Jackabog removes his helmet to reveal that he's actually a Pakled. Asking what they want, Jackabog tells Freeman that he wants to salvage the wreckage of the Cerritos and integrate them into his own ship. Freeman tries to convince him to call off his attack so they can discuss things peacefully, but Jackabog just fires more grappling arms at the Cerritos and tells them that the Pakleds will cut the Cerritos apart, before ending the transmission. Freeman can't help wonder how the Pakleds got so powerful, with Ransom noting that he always thought them to be kind of a joke. Boimler scans the ship and notes that the ship is integrated with the technologies of over thirty different species, leading Freeman to realize that the Pakleds are a much more serious threat than when Starfleet last encountered them.

Beckett takes command

Mariner takes command

The Cerritos is pulled towards the Pakled ship and beams begin to cut into the hull with phasers. Without engines and weapons, Freeman looks to Mariner and says she needs someone to "make" her some options. Freeman asks Mariner to do what she does best, to give her a "half-baked solution that breaks Starfleet codes and totally pisses [her] off." Mariner asks Boimler what computer systems the Pakleds use, and he tells her that they technology from other cultures, so their computer systems would need to be fairly universal. Mariner then calls Rutherford to make a virus that would disable the Pakleds, noting that while the Pakleds have the advantage, they are taking their time, giving them an opportunity to plant the virus.

Rutherford runs to the holodeck, and orders Rutherford Training Beta 2.5 and the holodeck loads up Badgey. Rutherford asks Badgey to code a virus, and Badgey says that in order to do that the holodeck safety protocols would need to be disabled. Rutherford asks if Badgey will try to kill him again, to which Badgey only responds with "I'm Badgey!" With little choice, Rutherford disables the safeties on the holodeck, and Badgey immediately gives him three viruses that will disable the Pakled ship. However, Badgey informs him that the viruses will have to be delivered and inserted manually.

File:The Cerritos crew ready to fight.png

The crew of the Cerritos are ready to fight

The Pakleds start to slowly beam into the Cerritos and the bridge crew evacuates the bridge. They try to get to the armory, only to be cut off by Pakled intruders. Mariner breaks open some nearby bulkheads, revealing her hidden contraband in the form of multiple alien melee weapons, much to the surprise of Freeman. Arming themselves, they begin to fight off the Pakled intruders. As they fight, Boimler confesses to Mariner that he wasn't angry at her for stealing his chances of being promoted to the Sacramento, noting that he'd applied multiple times with no success. He was angry because he knew that Mariner would have gotten the promotion and that he'd miss her, calling her his best friend. Mariner simply gives an annoyed answer, telling him to shut up, but hides a smile. At that moment, one of the Pakleds seriously wounds Freeman and is about to kill her, when Mariner takes them out. Shaxs picks Freeman up, and they rush her to sickbay.

In sickbay, T'Ana has Freeman taken to a biobed. As they stabilize Freeman, Rutherford enters sickbay with the virus and informs them that it needs to be manually delivered. They question who would be small enough to sneak aboard the Pakled ship without detection and survive the vacuum of space without a ship. Tendi is excited when she realizes that Peanut Hamper is the best candidate and will save everyone. However, that excitement is short-lived when Peanut Hamper declines the mission. This dumbfounds everyone, and when asked why, Peanut Hamper says that the mission sounds too scary. Tendi asks about the needs of the many, but Peanut Hamper simply replies that she only joined Starfleet to make her dad angry. Everyone begins to scold her, and Peanut Hamper dismisses herself, beaming herself outside into the vacuum of space. As she beams away, Tendi angrily says that her name is stupid.

Rutherford, who has finally restored his normal attitude, uploads the virus into his implant and volunteers to board the Pakled ship. Tendi protests, saying it's too dangerous, but Rutherford assures her that he's got everything under control. Shaxs then grabs Rutherford and rushes with him to the repair bay, where they board the shuttlecraft, Sequoia. Shaxs fires the phasers into the hull and blasts them out into space, avoiding Pakled fire and grappling arms as they head to the ship. Shaxs is in an eccentric excited mood as they blast into the hull of the Pakled ship.

Shaxs rips out Rutherford's implant

Shaxs rips out Rutherford's implant

They disembark the shuttlecraft and Rutherford finds a computer console and begins to upload the virus. Shaxs fights off multiple guards, protecting Rutherford as he works. Rutherford is happy to see that the upload is going very fast initially, but the upload slows dramatically, to his confusion. Badgey then appears on the screen and says that the virus won't be uploaded until the Pakleds kill Rutherford, a bit of revenge for Rutherford breaking his neck. Rutherford demands that Badgey disable their systems, which causes Badgey to initiate a self-destruct sequence. Without any options, Shaxs runs over to Rutherford and rips his implant from his head, severely wounding him, but leaves his implant connected to the console to continue the upload. He puts the now unconscious Rutherford in the shuttle, and pushes the shuttle out into space. Moments later, Badgey blows up the Pakled ship, killing everyone on board, including Shaxs.

Free from the Pakleds, Mariner and Boimler see the shuttlecraft adrift in space, and Boimler brings main power online. Ransom neutralizes the last Pakled invader, and Freeman orders Mariner to get them out as soon as the engines are back online, and not to get too comfortable in her chair. Immediately afterward, however, three more modified Pakled ships drop out of warp and surround the Cerritos, grabbing the saucer with their grappling arms.

Act Three

File:USS Titan attacks the Pakleds.png

The Titan attacks the Pakleds

With the hull beginning to buckle and structural integrity failing, Mariner orders the crew to abandon ship, just as Boimler picks up an incoming starship. Outside, the Titan, under the command of Captain William T. Riker, drops out of warp, and immediately opens fire on all three Pakled ships. Riker hails the Cerritos and is answered by Mariner, and he tells Mariner that this makes them even. Boimler is shocked that Mariner knows Riker, and Mariner simply says that Riker helped hook her up with all her contraband. Riker cuts transmission as Mariner talks about this, and Deanna Troi asks Riker what that was all about. Riker tries to play it off, and orders the Titan to open fire on the remaining Pakled ships. Troi simply says that they will talk about the contraband later.

The Titan easily dispatches the Pakled ships, outgunning them and out maneuvering them, making the Pakleds hastefully retreat. The bridge crew of the Cerritos cheers as the Pakleds go into warp.

File:Cerritos under repair.png

The Cerritos undergoing repairs

Later, at Starbase 77, the Cerritos is undergoing repair, and Freeman is saying she doesn't want any cosmetic changes done to her ship, wanting her to look like she normally does. Tendi is in a room with Rutherford, who is still unconscious, and has a bandage over his eye. She is reading him an engineering manual, about fluidic systems, and Rutherford wakes up, noting that fluidic systems are always very messy. Tendi is overjoyed to see him finally awake, and embraces him. He asks what happened, and Tendi explain how he saved the Cerritos. Rutherford appears happy about this, before asking who Tendi is. Realizing that the loss of his implant has directly affected his long-term memory, Tendi asks if he remembers her at all, to which he says he doesn't remember what he doesn't remember. At first, Tendi feels hurt by this, but the sadness turns to happiness as she realizes that they will get to become best friends all over again.

Shaxs' funeral

Shaxs' funeral

Later on, the crew holds a funeral for Shaxs, and Freeman places his earring on her shelf in her ready room. Freeman laments how she won't know how she will find a replacement for him, and Mariner smiles, noting that wherever he is, he's full-throat screaming at someone and ejecting a warp core. Freeman then begins to reprimand Mariner for her unauthorized transport to Beta III, her hidden contraband, and notes that she's got a whole year's worth of insubordinate behavior. Mariner replies that without that insubordination, the Cerritos would be destroyed, and the crew would be dead. Freeman admits that she's right. She notes that Starfleet considers Beta III a known culture, and that they had no idea that the Betans had regressed as they did. She notes that the Pakleds murdered the entire crew of the Solvang when no one thought they were a threat to be taken seriously. Mariner simply replies that Starfleet is good at observing, but bad at maintaining, noting that they can't keep assuming that the next generation of officers will keep doing the right thing in the future. Freeman agrees, but as captain, is limited by protocol, and notes that Mariner is not under the same limitation, offering to cooperate with her so that they can both make a difference for the better. Mariner agrees, saying that they will likely both end up in the brig. Freeman simply tells her not to tell her father.

Freeman and Mariner enter the mess hall, and Mariner joins Boimler, Tendi, and Rutherford at a table. Riker then embraces Freeman in a friendly hug, and Freeman thanks him for the assist. Riker begins to reminisce with Freeman about the days they spent together, as Ransom asks Troi if she knows any Betazoids who would go out with him. She replies that he masks his insecurity with overconfidence, and Ransom simply replies he can work with it.

As Tendi catches Rutherford up on the many adventures the two of them had before his accident, Boimler and Mariner reconcile, and Boimler admits that Mariner really is his mentor. Boimler promises that he will no longer be obsessed with rank, and wil start appreciating his time on the Cerritos. At that moment, Riker approaches their table, and gives Boimler a PADD, noting that Ransom told him he's one of the best officers on the Cerritos. Boimler is starstruck and thanks Riker. Mariner and Riker then leave the table, with Riker asking Mariner to get him a drink. As they walk away, Boimler looks down at the PADD, and his eyes go wide with excitement as he reads what it says…

Boimler aboard the Titan

Lieutenant JG Boimler aboard the Titan

Later, Boimler's PADD is getting flooded with angry voice-messages from Mariner, who calls him a "backstabbing weasel." Boimler has been promoted to lieutenant junior grade, and is now serving aboard the Titan. In his new quarters, a couple of his new crewmates enter, and say that they need to help escort Troi to Tulgana IV. Boimler begins to talk about his own adventures on Tulgana IV, and one of his friends notes his PADD's many messages. He replies that it's just an old friend, who is a little mad that he took the promotion, but that they will eventually get over it.

Mariner continues to angrily send messages to Boimler late into her sleep schedule, much to the disdain of her fellow crewmates, and she just tells them to shut up as they try and stop her.

William Riker and Deanna Troi, 2380

Riker and Troi on the bridge of the Titan

On the bridge of the Titan, Riker enters from watching a historical holo-program of the Jonathan Archer's Enterprise, and Boimler tells him that a course to Tulgana IV has been set. Riker notes that Tulgana IV has a Little Risa, and Troi asks if they should take their "little horga'hn", but Riker just says they'll take the one they always use. He then orders Boimler to take them to warp, and the Titan heads off to Tulgana IV…

Peanut Hamper in the meantime calls out for help as she drifts endlessly through space.

Log entries

  • "The Cerritos is in orbit around Beta III. Back in the day, these guys worshiped a violent god called Landru, who suppressed their creativity and made them kill each other until Kirk figured out it was actually a computer. Get this. At some point, these knuckleheads went back to worshiping Landru. Captain Freeman has been setting them straight all morning."

Memorable quotes

"Ugh. Landru."
"I know, it's always weird revisiting planets from the TOS era."
"It's what I call the 2260s. Stands for 'those old scientists' – You know, Spock, Scotty, those guys. Seems like they were stumbling on crazy new aliens every week back then."

- Carol Freeman and Jack Ransom

"From now on, I'll make sure to give you special attention."
"No! Be as hard on her as you always are!"
"Yeah, be hard on me!"
"I'm only hard on you when you make me hard! I mean I'm – I'm not hard right now! I mean I could – I could get hard, if I wanted to, but I'm not hard right now. I'm so sorry! You're both great!"

- Ransom, Freeman, and Beckett Mariner

"Hey, Mariner! I'm Lieutenant Levy. We went on a date last year. I don't know if you recall."
"Yeah, Steve, I remember. You said Wolf 359 was an inside job."
"It totally was. So, hey, I was wondering, could you give this to your mom for me? It's just a few ideas I threw together on how to decorate the captain's yacht."
"Fine. Whatever."
"You're the best. Thanks, Mariner. Changelings aren't real. The Dominion War didn't happen!"

- Steve Levy and Mariner

"You think your mom would be okay with me and Shaxs making a little love connection? I'd love to snag that Bajoran beefsteak with my coital hooks."

- T'Ana

"So, hey, do you want me to call you 'Exocomp,' or do you have an alphanumeric name, like TT30311?"
"No, I didn't want to sound robotic, I wanted to be called something normal. So I analyzed all Federation languages and calculated a mathematically perfect name."
"What is it?"
"Peanut Hamper."
"Peanut Hamper? I LOVE IT!"

- D'Vana Tendi and Peanut Hamper

"This doesn't make any sense. The Pakleds aren't this powerful."
"I thought they were kind of a joke."
"Yeah, you guys aren't wrong. Pakleds would fake distress calls so they could steal technology from anyone who showed up to help, but I'm detecting weapons from over thirty different species."
"Ah, looks like they're not a joke anymore."

- Freeman, Ransom, and Brad Boimler

"Hello, Father. I've already created three viruses that would disable Pakled technology."
"You were monitoring comms?"
"Oh, I'm always monitoring comms."

- Badgey and Sam Rutherford

"Intruders beaming in! Very slowly beaming in!"

- Ransom

"Looks like we'll have to repel them the old-fashined way. Setting my fists to stun and my kicks to kill."

- Ransom

"REOWR! Uh, sorry. I mean get the captain to the biobed, quick, quick!"

- T'Ana

"This is the best day of my life!"

- Shaxs

"Hang in there, Baby Beaaar...!"

- Shaxs to Rutherford before his death

"Make us go! Go, guys, go!'"

- Pakled captain

"Nice to meet you, I'm Rutherford."
"Oh, your implant. I-It must have damaged your long term memory. Do you remember me at all?"
"Well, no. But don't take it personally. I don't remember what I don't remember."
"You know what this means, right? … We get to become best friends all over again!"
"Okie dokie!"

- Rutherford and Tendi

"Carol! I guess those Cali-class ships can hold their own longer than people say."
"Thanks for the assist, Captain."
"No need to be so formal. You know, I was her mentor."
"Uh, yeah, well I remember it differently."
"You were sort of my cha'DIch! We used to get in so much trouble!"

- Riker and Freeman

"Deanna, can you introduce me to any of your Betazoid friends?"
"Jack, I sense you exaggerate your confidence in order to mask an ocean of insecurity."
"Oh, will they sense that too? I can make that work for me."

- Ransom and Troi

"Hey, how about you buy me a drink? You know, since we're even? Remember? The thing with the aliens where I saved your ass?"
"We are not even, and we don't use money. What happened to you, man? You used to be sharp."

- Riker and Mariner

"Boimler, you can't keep ducking me forever! It is a really small galaxy out there. Sooner or later, I'm gonna run into you, and I'm gonna feed you to an Armus! You hear me?!"
"Hey psycho, keep it down. We're trying to sleep!"
"Oh shut up, Jen!"

- Mariner and Jen

"I'm sorry I'm late, I was watching the first Enterprise on the holodeck. You know, Archer and those guys? What a story. Those guys had a long road getting from there to here."

- Riker

"Give me warp in the factor of five, six, seven, eight!"
"Oh, the Jazz"

- Riker and Troi

Background information


  • "No Small Parts" derives from the theatrical aphorism "There are no small parts, only small actors." The origin of the saying is uncertain, but it has been attributed to the Russian director Konstantin Stanislavski and to the American actor Joseph Jefferson.

Production history


Remco Star Trek Spock Space Fun Helmet

"Official Star Trek Helmet"


  • With this episode, Frakes and Marina Sirtis also became the first Star Trek actors to portray the same characters on five different series.


Links and references


Special guest stars

Guest cast

Background characters


2260s; 2379; admiral; admiration; alien; "all hands"; amber; Andoria Town; Antaran; Archer, Jonathan; Arkonian; armory; Armus; articles; ass; attack; attention; attitude; attitude selector (attitude button); auxiliary power; baby bear; Bajoran; Bajoran earring; bar; bat'leth; Battle of Kalla system; Battle of Wolf 359; beaming; beefsteak; best friend; Beta III; Betan; Betazoid; biobed; blast; Boimler Effect; brig; British; brushes; butt; button; Caitian; California-class; captain; Captain Freeman Day; captain's chair; captain's ready room; captain's yacht; career; cargo management unit; Cerritos, USS; cha'DIch; Changelings; cheating; code base; coital hooks; collision alert; combadge; commander; compass; computer (computer system); computer virus; contraband; coordinates; cowboy; crayons; Crusher, Beverly; Crusher, Wesley; culture; cyborg; date; daughter; day; death; decorating; dilithium; distress call; doctor ("doc"); dog; Dog, The; Dominion War; drugs; ensign; Enterprise NX-01; Enterprise-E, USS; escape pods; evasive maneuvers; exocomp; father (dad); Federation; feet; Ferengi; fleet; flesh; fluidic systems; First Contact Day; fly; free weight; *bleep*; funeral service; galaxy (Milky Way Galaxy); Gamester of Triskelion; generation; girlfriend; glavin; glue; god; grappling arm; guts; hands; hand pie; handshake; "hard"; hard drive; hazing; head; holodeck; horga'hn; hybrid; ice cream headache; ideas; implant; inside job; insubordinations; Jackabog's ship; jazz; joke; Joshua Tree; journal; Kalla system; Kalla system star; kanar; key lime pie; kill; Kirk, James T.; kisses; kissing; Klingon; languages; lecture; leg; legacy civilizations; letter of recommendation; lieutenant; lieutenant commander; lieutenant junior grade; life; life signs; "Little Qo'noS" (Klingon district); "Little Risa"; log; long-term memory; Luna-class; main engines; main power; Mariner's father; mentor; micro-suture; middle management; mining arm; missions; mom (mommy); Mondor-type (unnamed); money; mouth; murder; nacelle; name (alpha-numeric name); NCC; neck; nepotism; nerd; nurse; ocean; office; officer; officers' lounge; options; optimism; orbit; order; organic; orientation liaison; Orion; PADD; paints; Pakled; party; pattern-buffer maintenance hatch; Peanut Hamper's father; pencil; percent; phaser; photon torpedo; plasma ring scan; port; processing hub; profit; promotion; Prophets; protractor; protocol; purple; RADAR; rank; rapier; red alert; red hour; reflective panels; road; Robin Hood; robot; Romulan; Romulan ale; Rubidoux, USS; Rutherford Training Beta 2.5; Sacramento, USS; safety protocols; salmon; Saurian; Saurian brandy; scanner; scientists; Scott, Montgomery ("Scotty"); screaming; scythe; second contact; secret; Sequoia; service corridor; shields; ship; shoes; skin; skin graft; skull and crossbones; sleep; social club; society; socks; Solvang, USS; Sovereign-class; "space fun helmet"; Spacedock-type (unnamed); Spock; Starbase 77; Starfleet; Starfleet codes; Starfleet insignia; Starfleet Manual; Starfleet uniform (2370s); Starfleet uniform (early 2380s); stealing; story; stun; sword; T-88s; target; thing ("thingy"); throat; time; Titan, USS; TOS era; tribble; Tulgana IV; Tulgana system; turbolift; virus; warp; warp core; weapons; weapons panel; weasel; week; Wolf 359; worship; wreckage; year

External links

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"Crisis Point"
Star Trek: Lower Decks
Season 1
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