An oath, vow, pledge, pact or promise was a solemn sworn statement made by an individual.
In 2365, Commander William T. Riker promised to serve the IKS Pagh and obey Captain Kargan. When the Klingon asked if he would take an oath to that effect, Riker replied that he just did. (TNG: "A Matter Of Honor")
In 2375, General Martok felt that challenging Gowron would be dishonorable. Worf assured Martok that if he took the position of Chancellor of the Klingon High Council, "every warrior from here to Kronos would swear an oath to you." The Klingon High Council would subsequently have to accept him. (DS9: "Tacking Into the Wind")
To be under oath in a court setting was to promise to tell the truth. In 2367, an imposter masquerading as Ardra reminded Acost Jared that he was under oath when asking if there was any doubt in his mind whether her intervention in Ventax II's affairs was responsible for improving living conditions on that planet. (TNG: "Devil's Due")
In 2375, Ezri Dax proposed a pact prior to going into battle alongside Julian Bashir; namely, that they both come home alive. He agreed, and she said she'd hold him to it. (DS9: "What You Leave Behind")
In approximately 3074, Quarren stated the most he could promise was to keep an open mind while listening to The Doctor's EMH backup module talk about what really happened seven hundred years before with the USS Voyager. (VOY: "Living Witness")
Oaths, pacts, and vows[]
- Blood oath
- Captain's Oath
- Hippocratic Oath
- Klingon oath
- Marriage vows
- Mutual defence pact
- Nonaggression pact
- Oath of non-interference
- Oath of allegiance / Loyalty oath
- Oath of celibacy
- Oath of silence / Vow of silence
- Oath of secrecy / Vow of secrecy
- Starfleet oath
- Tulganen Neutrality Pact
- Vow of abstinence
- Vow of obedience