Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha

Orion Interceptors were fast, moderately-armed starships used by the Orion Syndicate from the mid-22nd to late 24th centuries.


Knowledge of this starship class was contained in the Vulcan database, but the class remained unknown to Starfleet until May 2154, when two Orion Interceptors attacked and raided Enterprise NX-01. The two interceptors quickly caught and ambushed Enterprise in the Borderland as it was searching for an Augment-controlled Bird-of-Prey. Using their transporter, the Orions were able to abduct nine crewmen from Enterprise, including T'Pol and Jeffrey Pierce, before their escape.

Later, two Orion Interceptors again engaged Enterprise, following its rescue of the abducted crewmembers from Verex III. They caused moderate damage to Enterprise before the Augments arrived in their commandeered Klingon Bird-of-Prey, destroying one interceptor and forcing the other to retreat. (ENT: "Borderland")

Modified examples of this class continued to be used into the 2380s, though they were relegated to transporting fuel and supplies. (LD: "Something Borrowed, Something Green")

Technical data[]

The exterior design of this class's hull was hawk-like in appearance, incorporating swept wings positioned at the aft of the vessel, with a beak-like forward section.

The interceptor's armaments included at least one particle cannon mounted on the underside of the hull. The vessel was also equipped with a transporter. (ENT: "Borderland")

Cosmia's ship

A modified Orion ship

By the 24th century, this design appeared slightly modified, to include dozens of spikes and two ventral arms. (LD: "Something Borrowed, Something Green")

Ships of the class[]



External link[]
