The Orion multi-key was a traditional tool of Orion pirates. A short truncheon with a heavy head bearing four extendable prongs, it had a variety of functions including weapon, lock pick, and bottle opener.
Ensign Mesk obtained a "religious exemption" to wear an Orion multi-key with his Starfleet uniform, though he did not actually know how to use it due to being raised by Humans in Ohio. In 2381, Ensign D'Vana Tendi took his multi-key to stop a Karemma ship from entering the Bajoran wormhole, for which she used it to pry open a wall panel, bludgeon a Karemma guard, extract the guard's latinum tooth, override a door control, and place said tooth to magnetically decouple the propulsion controls. (LD: "Hear All, Trust Nothing")