Memory Alpha

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Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha
Multiple realities
(covers information from several alternate timelines)
Papalla juice

Two varieties of papalla juice

Papalla juice was a beverage which came in at least two different colors: light, transparent purple and opaque orange. Ten Forward on the USS Enterprise-D commonly served this drink.

In 2255 in the alternate reality, the Shipyard Bar in Riverside, Iowa, on Earth, offered this juice as a special item on its menu. (Star Trek)

Clara Sutter was fond of the drink and liked it especially with extra bubbles. (TNG: "Imaginary Friend")

In 2370, papalla juice was one of several foods enjoyed in the Federation sampled by Ambassador Loquel aboard the Enterprise. (TNG: "Liaisons")

Neelix sometimes gave Naomi Wildman papalla juice with her breakfast cereal. (VOY: "Once Upon a Time")

See also[]
