Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha

The Pelians were a humanoid species from the Alpha Quadrant. They were native to the Federation planet Peliar Zel II. Their appearance was characterized by a midline nasal outgrowth.

The moons of Peliar Zel were colonized during the 19th century. Throughout the next five hundred years the governments of Alpha moon and Beta moon were at odds with one another.

In 2152, a member of this species was found by Enterprise NX-01 while it was docked at the automated repair station. It was discovered that the Pelian, along with the bodies of many other species, was being used to increase the processing capabilities of the station. (ENT: "Dead Stop")

By 2337, Trill Ambassador Odan was called in to mediate a major dispute between Alpha and Beta moon. Over the next thirty years, relations between the Alphans and Betans would again deteriorate to the point of war. The major contributing factor to the situation began when the Alpha moon developed an energy source harnessing power from the planet's magnetic field causing substantial environmental damage to Beta moon.

In 2367, Ambassador Odan again negotiated a peace accord between the Alpha and Beta moons. (TNG: "The Host")

In 2368, there was at least one Starfleet cadet of Peliar Zel origin in the observing crowd at the inquest held into the death of Cadet Joshua Albert. (TNG: "The First Duty")

Beginning with the year 2369, when the Cardassians had left Bajor and given control over Deep Space 9 to the Bajorans, some Pelians called the busy station their home. A male and a female Pelian were often seen on the Promenade or in Quark's.

In 2370, the couple from Peliar Zel II was integral in kidnapping William Patrick Samuels, a member of the Maquis, for the Cardassians away from Deep Space 9. (DS9: "The Maquis, Part I").

At the end of 2371, a female Pelian was sharing a drink with Morn in Quark's. (DS9: "Facets")

By 2372, at least some Pelians had made it to Earth, as one was a customer at Sisko's Creole Kitchen. (DS9: "Homefront") Another was seen in San Francisco close to Harry Kim's apartment that year. (VOY: "Non Sequitur")

The Peliar Zel couple was also present during the Klingon wedding of Jadzia Dax and Worf in 2374, (DS9: "You Are Cordially Invited") and was on the Promenade when Odo finally admitted his love to Kira Nerys later that year. (DS9: "His Way")





Background information[]

The name of this species was not mentioned in dialogue, but comes from an internal reference document written around TNG Season 5, later released by Roddenberry Entertainment. [1] In it, the Pelians were described as: "tall, humanoid in appearance but with a larger cranium and forward lobe in the skull. rigid head." Pelian was later used by [2](X)

A script note from "The Host", at one point, describes the species as "Peliar aliens". [3]

Journalist Benjamin Svetkey, who made a cameo appearance as a Pelian in "Emissary" described his character as "a 5'9" asparagus spear". They have been identified on call sheets as "Asparagus" for the couple in "The Maquis, Part I", and "Asparagus Head" in "Image in the Sand" and "Dead Stop". For "Non Sequitur", the call sheet simply described the species as "Masked Alien" or "Alien Pedestrian".


In the TNG novel The Buried Age and the Star Trek: Discovery novel Fear Itself, the species was referred to as "Peliars."

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