Phaser energy or phaser discharge was the energy emitted from a phaser weapon in the form of a particle beam. Colloquial terms for a phaser discharge include phaser burst, phaser blast, or phaser beam, and may vary based on the length of the sustained fire or if a short burst.
In 2268, after failing to deflect an asteroid with a deflector beam, Lieutenant Commander Spock ordered the USS Enterprise directly in front of the asteroid's path until they could employ all power on phaser beams. According to Spock, a narrow beam concentrated on a single spot would split the mass, however Doctor Leonard McCoy was concerned that it might also cripple the ship resulting in them being crushed by the asteroid. (TOS: "The Paradise Syndrome")
In a holoprogram titled The Voyager Encounter, the Emergency Medical Android established a datalink between his neural net and the phaser array of the warship Voyager to reconfigure the phaser beam to carry a bio-agent into the atmosphere of the Kyrian and Vaskan homeworld for the targeting of Kyrian cities. (VOY: "Living Witness")