Memory Alpha

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Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha
Multiple realities
(covers information from several alternate timelines)
"That'd be so noble "Pointy" if you weren't also throwing me under the bus!"
"'Pointy'? Is that a derogatory reference to –"
James T. Kirk, Spock, and Christopher Pike, 2259 (Star Trek Into Darkness)

Pointed-ear, also pointed-ears or pointed-eared, or pointy-eared, was an anatomical feature and racial slur often directed at both Romulans and Vulcans, two species with prominently pointed ears. The insulting nickname pointy was also used in relation to these features.

Ambassador "Pointy" was used to describe Ambassador Soval by Jonathan Archer when he was a young boy. When he used the term in 2121, his father told him not to call Soval that. (ENT: "Broken Bow")

Krem referred to T'Pol as being "the one with the pointy ears" aboard Enterprise NX-01. (ENT: "Acquisition")

In 2259 of the alternate reality, James T. Kirk angrily called Commander Spock "pointy" when he provided Admiral Christopher Pike with a detailed report of a mission in which the USS Enterprise had visited Nibiru but had violated the Prime Directive there. In reply, Spock said, "'Pointy'? Is that a derogatory reference to…" before he was cut off by Pike. (Star Trek Into Darkness)

In 2267, Greek god Apollo invited Captain James T. Kirk and his officers to join him on the planet Pollux IV. However, he made an exception against the Vulcan first officer Spock and noted his pointed ears. Spock was much like Pan, and Pan had always bored Apollo. (TOS: "Who Mourns for Adonais?")

In 2268, Doctor McCoy referred to Commander Spock as a "pointed-eared hobgoblin". (TOS: "Bread and Circuses")

In 2371, Elim Garak, described the Tal Shiar operatives Enabran Tain was working with as "pointed-eared friends", while in the company of several Romulans. Tain chastised Garak for it, while directing his response to Odo, stating "Cunning, isn't he? He makes a racial slur within earshot of two Romulans, putting me in the position of either defending them, thus giving away my allegiance to them, or letting the comment pass, in which case he's managed to plant a seed of discord between us." (DS9: "Improbable Cause")

In 2374, after Benjamin Sisko told Jadzia Dax she would "have made a decent Romulan", she told him she preferred her Trill spots to pointed ears. (DS9: "In the Pale Moonlight")

Both B'Elanna Torres and Neelix used the adjective "pointy", referring to Tuvok as having "pointy little ears". (VOY: "Juggernaut", "The Haunting of Deck Twelve")

Years after Kirk and Spock's visit to Starbase 25, the bartender of the bar visited by the two, referred to Spock as Kirk's "pointy-eared pal". (LD: "An Embarrassment Of Dooplers")

In 2383, Dal R'El referred to Spock by the nickname "Pointy Ears" during one of his latter attempts at the Kobayashi Maru scenario. (PRO: "Kobayashi")

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