The quantum level was a term used for activity that took place on the scale of atoms or subatomic particles. At the quantum level, there was no difference between biology and physics. (DIS: "Context Is for Kings") The fields of quantum astrophysics, quantum chemistry, quantum dynamics, quantum engineering, quantum mathematics, quantum mechanics, quantum optics, quantum physics, quantum theory (studied by quantum theorists), quantum warp theory, and theoretical quantum physics all relate to objects within this realm.
When Lokesh tied to encrypt the control hub of Cold Station 12 he had difficulties as there was another encryption on the quantum level. (ENT: "Cold Station 12")
Data told Vice Admiral Haftel that there were variations on the quantum level comparing his neural net to Lal's. (TNG: "The Offspring")
After entering a subspace distortion in 2367, the USS Enterprise-D experienced a quantum level oscillation delay which doubled in intensity every 12.3 seconds. Bio-cellular disruption would have been imminent had they not exited the subspace distortion. (TNG: "The Nth Degree")
On the quantum level, all matter in a given universe resonates with a unique quantum signature. In 2370, in a quantum reality where Riker commanded the Enterprise after captain Picard was killed by the Borg, Commander Data discovered through subatomic analysis that Lieutenant Worf had a different signature, suggesting he was from a different quantum universe. (TNG: "Parallels")
When Jadzia Dax and Deral were working on a way to keep the planet Meridian longer in the current dimension they discovered that the fusion reactants in the stellar core were out of balance. This imbalance was building toward a cascade reaction on the quantum level. (DS9: "Meridian")
When the senior staff of Deep Space 9 was trapped in a holographic program in a holosuite, Rom told Michael Eddington that neural energy has to be stored on a quantum level. The holosuite couldn't handle that. (DS9: "Our Man Bashir")
Julian Bashir told Jake Sisko that peptide bonds could be reconfigured on a quantum level. (DS9: "Nor the Battle to the Strong")
B'Elanna Torres found it interesting and impossible that a scan of a wormhole showed up with no quantum level fluctuations. (VOY: "Displaced")
In 2374, Kes's newly awakened psychokinetic abilities allowed her to see beyond the subatomic. Tuvok told her that there was nothing beyond it, but she replied that there was, and that it was beautiful. (VOY: "The Gift")
See also[]
- Quantum field
- Quantum filament
- Quantum fluctuation
- Quantum flux
- Quantum-level analysis
- Quantum phase inhibitor
- Quantum resonance
- Quantum singularity
- Quantum stasis field
- Quantum warp field