Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha

List of personnel at Quark's Bar, Grill, Gaming House and Holosuite Arcade.



Dabo girls

Unnamed []

Dabo girls[]

Ferengi pit boss []

Ferengi pit boss, 2381

A Ferengi pit boss

This Ferengi male was working as a pit boss at Quark's in 2381. He oversaw the dabo tables when the USS Cerritos crew visited Deep Space 9. (LD: "Hear All, Trust Nothing")

This pit boss was voiced by Gil Ozeri.


Bajoran waitress []

Bajoran on DS9-9

A Bajoran waitress

This Bajoran waitress served drinks from the Quark 2000 in 2381. (LD: "Hear All, Trust Nothing")

Bolian waiter []

Young Bolian waiter

A Bolian waiter

This Bolian male began working as a waiter for Quark when he was no longer allowed to employ Ferengi in his bar in 2373. (DS9: "Looking for par'Mach in All the Wrong Places", "Rapture")

He cleared Rom's plate after he left to go on duty, then passed Quark a plate of food for Leeta and sat down on the same bar stool. (DS9: "Doctor Bashir, I Presume")

He stood behind the bar and cleaned some glasses when Odo first met Arissa. (DS9: "A Simple Investigation")

He informed Quark that his cousin Gaila was about to arrive on the station. (DS9: "Business as Usual")

He was one of the bidders at an auction held at Quark's in late 2373 and purchased a post-eventualistic, pre-Matoian, bronze and triptin sculpture for one bar and three strips of latinum. Quark called him "the blue man with the good shoes." (DS9: "In the Cards")

He was an invited guest to Jadzia Dax's bachelorette party and engaged in a strange dance/fight with Morn; Kira called it a "scuffle". (DS9: "You Are Cordially Invited")

This recurring Bolian was played by an unknown actor.

Bolian bartender []

Bolian bartender

A Bolian employee

This Bolian bartender was working at Quark's during a late night game of tongo with Jadzia Dax in 2373. He ran to update Quark that Gaila was aboard the station, but before he could pass along Quark's lie that Quark was unavailable, Gaila found them at the bar. (DS9: "Business as Usual")

This Bolian was played by uncredited extra Ken Gruz.

Dopterian waiter[]

Ferengi bartender []

This Ferengi was a bartender at Quark's on Deep Space 9 in 2381.

Late that year, he and a second Ferengi were recruiters at a recruitment booth on Tulgana IV. He and the other Ferengi both laughed at Ensigns Beckett Mariner and Brad Boimler as it was learned they were not allowed to leave their booth. (LD: "Reflections")

Later, he was serving patrons at Quark's during the USS Cerritos' mission to Deep Space 9. (LD: "Hear All, Trust Nothing")

Ferengi waiter 1 []

Ferengi waiter, the emissary

A Ferengi waiter

This Ferengi waiter was employed at Quark's in 2369.

After Kira Nerys closed down Quark's establishment, forcing the crew of the Prakesh to leave with their dabo winnings, this waiter handed Quark the bag used to carry their latinum. Unknown to this waiter, he had mistakenly given Odo to Quark, as the changeling had taken the form of the bag, in order to infiltrate Dukat's ship. (DS9: "Emissary")

This Ferengi was played by an unknown performer.

Ferengi waiter 2 []

Ferengi waiter, The Maquis Part I

A Ferengi waiter

This Ferengi waiter served at Quark's in 2370 and brought several dishes with food to Sakonna and Quark. (DS9: "The Maquis, Part I")

This Ferengi was played by an unknown actor.

Ferengi waiter 3 []

Ferengi waiter, 2370

A Ferengi waiter

This Ferengi waiter passed Quark and Odo on the second level of the Promenade outside of Quark's when the two discussed if Commander Sisko liked Quark. (DS9: "The Jem'Hadar")

Leanza Cornett

Leanza Cornett behind the scenes

This Ferengi waiter was a walk-on role by Entertainment Tonight reporter Leanza Cornett which was prominently featured in the 1994 special Entertainment Tonight Salutes Star Trek.

While played by a woman, this ferengi might not be female, as Ferengi women were not generally allowed to travel off Ferenginar. ("The Magnificent Ferengi") or wear clothes ("Rules of Acquisition"; "Profit and Lace", etc).

Ferengi waiter 4 []

Ferengi waiter at Quark's, 2371

A Ferengi waiter

This Ferengi waiter worked as waiter in Quark's for several years.

In 2371, he served drinks to a Bajoran officer at the gaming table near the entrance of Quark's when an angry Tiron ran to the bar and shouted at Quark because of his displeasure with the holosuite program. (DS9: "Meridian")

This Ferengi waiter was played by regular background actor and stand-in Bernie Bielawski who received no credit for his appearances.

Ferengi waiter 5 []

Ferengi waiter, 2381

A Ferengi waiter

This Ferengi waiter worked at Quark's in 2381. (LD: "Hear All, Trust Nothing")

This Ferengi waiter was voiced by an unknown actor.

Union members []

Rom and his union

These six Ferengi union members joined Rom in presenting work demands to Quark who refused to meet them. The Ferengi went on strike. (DS9: "Bar Association")

Three of the Ferengi were Grimp, Frool, and Broik, the others were unnamed and played by unknown performers.
