Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha

"You have all the support you ever wanted, nobody to scream at or rail against, and look at you... still picking fights - to make sure you get hurt."
Quimp, 2381 ("Parth Ferengi's Heart Place")

Quimp was a male Ferengi, and a close friend of Ensign Beckett Mariner.

They encountered each other on Tulgana IV in 2380, when Quimp claimed to have a shuttle and could provide transport for the pair. Mariner had arranged with him to pretend to try and rob the pair which Boimler could then stop as a means to build his confidence after a rough day. Mariner pretended that she didn't know he was a Ferengi and told Ensign Brad Boimler that she thought he was a Bolian. Quimp pulled out a knife, which Boimler shot out of his grip with a Type 2 phaser, prompting Quimp to run away.

Later, after Mariner and Boimler had returned to the USS Cerritos, Quimp and Mariner had a video call on her PADD to discuss how well the subterfuge had gone. (LD: "Envoys")

Mariner later met up with Quimp on Ferenginar shortly after the Cerritos visited there in 2381 to enjoy a night of drinking and gambling, with Quimp growing more concerned with Mariner's excessive drinking and her picking a fight with a group of Ferengi at the library. After bribing a lot of Ferengi to keep the incident quiet, Quimp confronted Mariner for not only costing him an exorbitant amount of money, but putting her mother's, and by extension, Starfleet's, meeting with Grand Nagus Rom and his wife at risk for a random bar fight. He also snapped at her accusation that he had changed by stating that that's what happens when people aren't intentionally trapping themselves in a perpetual cycle of self-sabotage and immature rebellion. And while he noted that that's not exactly unusual behavior for someone like Mariner, it's especially noticeable and frustrating this time because she doesn't have anything to be upset about or rebel and rail against for once. Even after Mariner apologized to him and the two made up, Quimp reaffirmed his love for her as a dear friend and noted that she had to figure out what it was that had been eating her up inside so much. Mariner later told Commander Jack Ransom that she'd had to take out a predatory loan from Quimp. (LD: "Parth Ferengi's Heart Place")

Quimp was voiced by Tom Kenny.
