Rakosa V, also known as Rakosa, was an M-class inhabited planet in the Delta Quadrant and homeworld of the Rakosans. The planet contained several heavily populated areas. The eastern continent contained multiple ports. This planet was similar to Aschelan V in terms of several factors including, for example, its size, radiothermic signature and atmospheric composition. The planet's government was headed by a First Minister.
In 2372, Rakosa V was mistaken for Aschelan V by the missile Dreadnought. If the missile had reached its target, it would have caused some two million casualties in the eastern continent. Fortunately, the missile was destroyed by B'Elanna Torres before it could inflict massive damage on the Rakosan population. (VOY: "Dreadnought")
In 3189, the location of Rakosa V was denoted on a holographic star chart of the galaxy at Federation Headquarters. (DIS: "Die Trying")
In the first draft script of "Dreadnought" (which had the working title "Original Sin"), this planet was named "Cafrikan".