Memory Alpha

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Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha
Rana IV colony, remastered

The remains of the colony after destruction.

The Rana IV colony was a Federation colony on the planet Rana IV in the Delta Rana star system.

The colony had been established by 2361. By 2366, the population reached 11,000.

The entire colony was destroyed by the Husnock in 2366. The colonists were unable to flee as the colony had no interstellar spacecraft at its disposal. The sole survivor, actually a Douwd in Human form traveling under the name Kevin Uxbridge, had tried to trick the Husnock but did not stop the attack. In grief seeing his wife Rishon dead, he used his enormous powers to destroy the entire Husnock species in retribution. Later, Uxbridge remained in self-imposed isolation in the colony, recreating his home and his wife.

The USS Enterprise-D crew visited the colony and learned what had happened. They left Uxbridge to recreate his home again. (TNG: "The Survivors")
