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Rape gangs of Turkana IV

Rape was performing a sexual act on a person without their consent.


The ancestral Native American tribe to which Chakotay belonged at one time suffered frequent rape by "white conquerors." One of these rapes produced Ce Acatl, a great leader of their tribe. (VOY: "Basics, Part I")

Lieutenant Ash Tyler remembered being raped by L'Rell while he was her prisoner in 2256. (DIS: "Into the Forest I Go")

An evil transporter duplicate of Captain Kirk attempted to rape Janice Rand in 2266. (TOS: "The Enemy Within")

In 2267, during Festival on the planet Beta III, when the inhabitants would lose their inhibitions to violence, rape occurred openly in the streets. Once the clock struck red hour, Kirk and the landing party from the USS Enterprise immediately witnessed men chasing after women. First, they saw a man grab a resistant woman across the street from them, and shortly afterward Bilar was seen dragging Tula away by her shoulder or hair. While running to seek shelter from the chaos, the landing party passed a man with white sleeves who was carrying a struggling woman over his shoulder. Shortly afterward, from the safety of a second floor window, Kirk saw the image of a man assaulting a woman in silhouette, and heard the screams of other women. Later, when festival was complete, Reger consoled a screaming, emotionally distraught Tula who had returned from Festival heavily traumatized by her experience with Bilar. (TOS: "The Return of the Archons")

A simulacrum of Don Juan assaulted and attempted to rape Yeoman Tonia Barrows on the "amusement park planet." (TOS: "Shore Leave")

In 2268, Lars attempted to rape Uhura. (TOS: "The Gamesters of Triskelion")

Ensign Pavel Chekov attempted to rape Klingon Science Officer Mara while under the influence of a non-corporeal lifeform that fed on hatred. (TOS: "Day of the Dove")

Rape gangs were a threat on Turkana IV in the mid to late 24th century. (TNG: "The Naked Now", "Where No One Has Gone Before", "Legacy")

Rape was rife during the Cardassian Occupation of Bajor, especially in the Gallitep labor camp, where Bajoran women were raped in front of their children. (DS9: "Duet") Many Bajoran women were taken from their families against their wills and brought to Terok Nor, where they were coerced into sex by Gul Dukat and other Cardassian officers. (DS9: "Wrongs Darker Than Death or Night")

Kira Nerys once described the Occupation in general to Silaran Prin by saying "For fifty years, you raped our planet," in the context of how the Cardassians took from Bajor anything they could of value. (DS9: "The Darkness and the Light")

Manua Apgar accused Riker of attempted rape in 2366. (TNG: "A Matter of Perspective")

Sometime before 2371, a woman whom Kenneth Dalby fell in love with on the Bajoran frontier was raped and killed by three Cardassians, which motivated him to join the Maquis. (VOY: "Learning Curve")

When the Kazon captured Voyager in 2372, Maje Culluh said to Chakotay that "a man who would violate a woman under his own command doesn't deserve a son," after Seska had given Cullah the impression that Chakotay had raped her. (VOY: "Basics, Part I")

As part of their psychological conditioning program in 2374, the Vori accused the Kradin of rape. (VOY: "Nemesis")

During Shinzon's telepathic interaction with Troi through his Reman Viceroy was sexually assaulted as Shinzon apparently took control of her husband Will Riker's body during sex.(Star Trek Nemesis)


Background information[]

In DVD commentary, executive producer Rick Berman referred to Picard's transformation into Locutus of Borg as rape.

The telepathic memory invasions by the Ullian Jev in "Violations" were an allegory for rape. Jeri Taylor commented, "Even though it's mental, not physical, the violation is no less profound." (Star Trek: The Next Generation 365, p. 240)

Troi also experienced something akin to rape in "The Child" where she was impregnated against her will in her sleep.

The taking of the Dax symbiont from Jadzia Dax by the Trill Verad in "Invasive Procedures" was presented in terms similar to rape.

In the episode "Revulsion", Dejaren stated "they took advantage of me" right after talking about the Serosian crew "engaging in their slovenly carnal pleasures."

Seven of Nine's recount of her "violation" by Kovin in "Retrospect" was also presented in terms similar to rape.

T'Pol's forced mind meld with Tolaris in "Fusion" is described in rape-like terms, particularly when T'Pol contracts a psionic illness as a result in "Stigma".

Some legal definitions of rape include sex under false pretenses, such as Dukat's having sex with Winn Adami while pretending to be the Bajoran Anjohl Tennan in "'Til Death Do Us Part", though this concept is not universally recognized and was not mentioned in the episode or by the cast and crew.


In the Star Trek: Deep Space Nine - Millennium novel Inferno, Arla Rees (β), a Bajoran Starfleet commander, experienced a Pah-wraith induced hell where, during the Occupation of Bajor, she was tortured and raped by the Cardassians for days before being killed, and then forced to "relive" those events again and again.

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