Memory Alpha

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Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha
Clare Raymond

Clare Raymond, a member of the Raymond family

The Raymond family was a family of Humans dating back to at least the 20th century. The family included Clare Raymond, who was frozen after her death in 1994 and stored aboard the SS Birdseye. After the USS Enterprise-D found it in 2364 near the Kazis binary system, Clare was resuscitated. She sought to learn more about her descendants, which Deanna Troi assisted her in doing.

As of 2364, the family had settled in Indiana Park, Indianapolis, North America, Earth. (TNG: "The Neutral Zone")

The okudagrams of the Raymond family included the names of actors, production staff, and staff of the remastered version from Star Trek: The Next Generation and from Doctor Who, and characters from M*A*S*H, The Mary Tyler Moore Show, and The Muppet Show.

Members of the Raymond family[]


Raymond family

Ancestors of the Raymond family on a computer readout

Late-20th century[]

Thomas Raymonds family

Data on Thomas Raymond

21st century[]

22nd century[]

23rd century[]

24th century[]

External link[]
