Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha
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"If you leave, the curious would follow, the foolish, the meddlers, the officials, the seekers. My privacy was my own. Its invasion be on your head."
Flint, 2269 ("Requiem for Methuselah")

A recluse was an individual who lived apart from society by choice.

In 2269, Nyota Uhura described the purchaser of planet Holberg 917G, Mr. Brack as "a wealthy financier and recluse." (TOS: "Requiem for Methuselah")

In 2364, the Jarada were considered, by William T. Riker, to be "a reclusive, insect-like race known for its idiosyncratic attitude towards protocol." (TNG: "The Big Goodbye")

Prior to the USS Enterprise-D's visit to Kaelon II in 2367, Captain Jean-Luc Picard informed Ambassador Lwaxana Troi that their upcoming mission was "something of a rather delicate situation" on account of the fact that it was "the first real contact with a rather reclusive race," known as the Kaelon. (TNG: "Half a Life")

In a 2370 discussion between Beverly Crusher and Jean-Luc Picard about the inclusion of only half of a planet Kesprytt's people into the Federation, Crusher pointed out that the considered half, the Kes, were "a very unified, very progressive people." Picard, however, countered that "the Prytt are not. They are reclusive to the point of xenophobia." (TNG: "Attached")

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