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Memory Alpha

The Redshirts

"Cool name, right? Makes us sound invincible."
Castro to Brad Boimler, 2381 ("The Spy Humongous")

The "Redshirts" was a club of ensign-ranked command division officers aboard the USS Cerritos, active in 2381, who practiced helping one another get promotions to ultimately achieve their own captaincy. Their mentality was that "we work in Starfleet", and that everyone else "work[s] for Starfleet". They spent much of their days "playing captain", by practicing the recital of inspirational speeches, emulating how successful captains act and carry themselves, and jockeying for acting captain's duty.

Notable members included Ensigns Casey, Jennifer Sh'reyan, Castro, P'jok, and Taylor. Following the transfer of P'jok to the USS Ventura, the group had an opening, they temporarily filled the position with Brad Boimler, due to his previous assignment aboard the USS Titan under Captain William T. Riker.

However, while Boimler enjoyed having such support for his career ambitions and learned some useful things about being in command, he was responsible for disbanding the club. This occurred when they, especially Casey, denigrated Boimler's friends as they were performing some unpleasant duties, dismissing them as not being real Starfleet officers. Boimler immediately objected to such haughtiness and defended them.

Furthermore, when D'Vana Tendi found herself transformed into an aggressive monster that went on the rampage, the Redshirts did nothing practical to deal with the situation except stand around trying to be inspirational. Boilmler, on the other hand, took action by initiating an unorthodox plan to deliberately overloading the mess hall replicators to create a publicly humiliatingy incident so funny to Tendi that she changed back to normal.

At that undignified display, the Redshirts moved to reject Boimler, who then criticized their useless emulating of senior officers when they should prove their command potential themselves. The point being made was reinforced when Casey, who derided Boimler's action, earning an Acting Captain period by a most dismissive Commander Ransom, who was then far more interested at that moment in commending Boimler for his clever and courageous solution to the earlier problem. (LD: "The Spy Humongous")

The "Redshirts", especially Castro's quote above, is an ironic reference to the redshirt phenomenon shown in Star Trek: The Original Series, with the major difference being that TOS redshirts were operations division personnel, rather than command.
