Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha

For his 21st century relative, please see Renée Picard.
"Someday, I'll be leaving for my starship, too."
René Picard, 2367 ("Family")

René Picard was a male Human and the son of Robert and Marie Picard. He was the nephew of Starfleet Captain Jean-Luc Picard through his father. He lived with his parents in La Barre, France on Earth.

Like his famous uncle, René had an interest in space exploration. Jean-Luc and René had a particularly close relationship, as a running joke between the two, Jean-Luc referred to René as "uncle" and René referred to Jean-Luc as "nephew." (TNG: "Family")

René died during his childhood in a fire in 2371, along with his father. He was survived by his mother. (Star Trek Generations)

Like his father and uncle, René would have suffered from Shalaft's Syndrome. (Star Trek Nemesis)

During Jean-Luc's Nexus experience in 2371, René celebrated Christmas with his uncle's family. (Star Trek Generations)


Background information[]

René Picard was portrayed by David Tristan Birkin in "Family" and by Christopher James Miller in Star Trek Generations.

According to the script for "Family" and the Star Trek Encyclopedia, 3rd ed., p. 361, René Picard was seven years old in 2367 and was born in 2360.

A PADD containing René's report on starships, used in a deleted scene from "Family", was sold as part of the It's A Wrap! sale and auction. [1](X)


In the TNG Relaunch novels, Picard and Doctor Beverly Crusher have a son who they name Rene Jacques Robert Francois Picard (β), after the cousin and uncle he will never meet. (Paths of Disharmony).

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