The Retellians were a humanoid species native to the Alpha or Beta Quadrant.
The Retellians had Human-like skin, and styled their short hair into several small ponytails in the back of their head. Their facial structure had several ridged sections, and their chin came to a decreased point. Their nostrils were minutely extended outward on the top of their lips.
It is possible that Retellians had a more protective skull than average, as when Commander Tucker was punching Goff, he just laughed at him.
At some date previous to September 2152, a Retellian freighter attacked a Kriosian transport and kidnapped Kaitaama, a member of the royal family. (ENT: "Precious Cargo")
In 2154, an unnamed Retellian was manhandled by an Orion guard during a slave riot on Verex III. (ENT: "Borderland")
Retellian naming convention placed the surname before the given name. (ENT: "Precious Cargo")
In the final draft script of "Precious Cargo", Retellians were initially described as "gaunt aliens."