The Roman Empire existed on Earth and was one of the most powerful of the planet's early civilizations.
The (western) Roman state existed as an empire from 31 BC to 476 AD, however no time frame has ever been stated on screen yet.
The territory of the Romans extended primarily through the region of the Mediterranean, encompassing parts of Africa, Europe, and Asia Minor. The Empire was governed by a Senate and, for most of its history, an Emperor who was sometimes referred to as "Caesar" after Julius Caesar or "Augustus" after Caesar Augustus.
Though the Empire brought many technological and societal advances into being on Earth it had a dark side that included brutal military campaigns and gladiatorial combat for public entertainment. Religious dissidents were also brutally persecuted. Rome had no sun worshippers. (TOS: "Bread and Circuses")
In real life, Romans honored the Sun at the winter solstice in a festival called the Dies Natalis Solis Invicti (Birthday of the Invincible Sun). Additionally many Romans during the Empire participated in a cult of the sun god Mithras and Sol Invictus.
The planet 892-IV, which evolved according to Hodgkin's Law of Parallel Planetary Development, had a similar government to the Roman Empire, though that government persisted for much longer in the planet's evolution. The people had advanced to a state corresponding to the industrial revolution in Earth's history. (TOS: "Bread and Circuses")
In 2366, while Jean-Luc Picard contemplated the impending battle with the Borg, he wondered if the Emperor Flavius Honorius, while watching the Visigoths coming over the seventh hill, truly realized that the Roman Empire was about to fall. (TNG: "The Best of Both Worlds")
In 2369, Galen compared Jean-Luc Picard, who was on a survey mission, to a "Roman centurion patrolling the provinces, maintaining a dull and bloated Empire." (TNG: "The Chase")
In his review of William Shakespeare's play Julius Caesar, Garak felt the entire piece was a farce because Caesar was "supposed to be a leader of a great empire yet he can't see what's going on under his own nose." (DS9: "Improbable Cause")
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Background information[]
The screenwriters based many of the elements of the government of the Romulan Star Empire such as Praetor, Proconsul, and the Romulan Senate on Roman precedents. The twin capitals of the Empire Romulus and Remus are also named after the mythological founders of Rome. Many other similar aspects such as officers holding the rank of centurion, and the Imperial Eagle also enforce this. Additionally, the Terran Empire of the mirror universe also shares many cultural elements with Ancient Rome.
According to the script of Star Trek Generations, Deanna Troi at one point had a holodeck-based promotion ceremony set in ancient Rome, which included her being thrown to the lions.